Chapter 163 Heavy rain and natural disaster

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One day later, in the Imperial Capital, the originally cloudless sky suddenly became gloomy. A huge black screen blocked out a ray of sunlight in a matter of seconds. Thick dark clouds pressed over the city, like a huge black hole that could swallow up everything in sight at any time. everything.

A dazzling bolt of lightning suddenly cut through the sky, illuminating half of the sky in an instant, followed closely by a thunderbolt, boom! The huge thunder exploded, deafening, and the entire imperial capital security base was shaken. This was a rare bad weather after the end of the world, and it was menacing and earth-shattering!

After bursts of frightening lightning and thunder, there was an uninvited downpour. The pouring rain waterfall instantly filled the world and blocked the sight!

The crackling rainstorm fell mercilessly, hitting everything and everyone it touched, causing different echoes and wails!

The internal communicator in the weather station kept ringing and hanging up. Big bosses from various functional departments were calling to ask why. Why did a beautiful day suddenly become like this?

Webmaster He Ming rubbed the throbbing veins on his forehead and looked at the weather cloud image generated on the screen in front of him. He was also confused. The image about ten minutes ago was not like this. It was clear that the sky was clear and beautiful!

The rainstorm came so suddenly that they didn't have any time to react. They didn't even have time to send out the emergency warning, and the rain came!

He is going to give a report to the mayor, how to report it? I can’t get out the door!

Millions of people across the city suffered. Those who had better shelters could barely get by. The worst were those who lived in bungalows or greenhouses. Their houses were damaged within a few minutes of rain. A large area fell, with numerous casualties and severe weather conditions making it impossible to call for rescue! Cries and cries mixed together in the heavy rain!

In an office of the city government, many people gathered at this time. Everyone looked at Mayor Lu sitting at the desk with heavy expressions, waiting for his next instruction!

"I just called Commander Chen from the military department. Due to the bad weather, the troops' rescue can only be postponed. Let our departments first find ways to organize the people to save themselves!"

Mayor Lu finished speaking with a long sigh, then looked at his helpers and asked, "Is there anything you can do?"

He understood the decision of the military department very well. The safety of the imperial capital still relied on those soldiers to maintain it. With limited strength, it was impossible to take risks and send large numbers of people to rescue!

"Mayor Lu, it's not that we can't think of a way, it's just that we really have no choice. You can see the rain outside. If you go out, you will be beaten to death, and you can't even see the road! How to rescue him?"

A subordinate held out the back of a bruised hand to show Mayor Lu. He ran over from the nearby office building. His umbrella was smashed, so he covered his head with his hand. His hands were all smashed!

"Yes, even if we want to save, we have to protect ourselves first! The bungalow area and greenhouse area we are going to are definitely the hardest hit areas. We need to prepare a lot of rescue materials, and we also need to organize medical personnel. The troops are unable to move. How can we do it?"

Some people echoed that no one wants natural disasters, but human power is too small in the face of nature, and actions that exceed one's capabilities will only lead to greater losses!

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