Chapter 110 Ma Er's wife's entanglement

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Just as Rongan's battle was in full swing, there was a farce at Cai Jincheng's superpower group station in the west city of City B, which attracted many people to watch and discuss.

"You, please let me go quickly!" Zhang Shumian was wearing a thick coat and was about to go out of the gate to pick up Cai Jincheng. Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the gate, a man and two children rushed towards him and grabbed his legs and feet, blocking the way.

"Mr. Zhang! You are a good man! You can't care about the life and death of our mothers!" Ma'er's daughter-in-law pulled his sleeves regardless and begged, but she could scream as loud as she wanted, lest she No one heard.

"Why are you looking for me again? Haven't I already sent you safely to City B? Let's go!"

Zhang Shumian struggled to free himself from the two children hugging his legs and dismissed them unhappily. He felt a big headache when he saw these three women!

He promised to take them to City B, but he didn't expect to be blackmailed by their family all the way. They were given food and drink. Even the materials they paid for entering the city were all provided by him begging Brother Jincheng for help. He felt that he had done what he wanted. The utmost benevolence and righteousness have been exhausted!

But why did he come to the door again? Being relied on!

"We have entered the city, but we have no food or shelter. We can't live any longer! Please Mr. Zhang to take us in!" Ma'er's daughter-in-law stared at him with a sad face, with the attitude of not letting go until she agrees. Then he didn't forget to use his toes to poke his two sons who were kneeling on the ground and hugging their legs.

As soon as the two children received her signal, they immediately began to cry loudly, "Boooo! Woohoo! Uncle, please save us! We are starving to death!"

Zhang Shumian frowned and couldn't hide away. He himself was shivering from the cold. Now when he saw the three women with runny noses and tears in front of him, he was so stiff that he couldn't move!

"Don't you have family? Go to them! What's the use of coming to me? What I said doesn't count!"

Zhang Shumian tried his best to pull back his sleeves from Ma'er's wife, and then looked back at the base. Chen Younian said he would be here soon, why haven't he arrived yet!

Ma'er's daughter-in-law finally caught someone, how could she let him go so easily? She has long understood that although Mr. Zhang is not their top leader, he is very valued. As long as he goes to help and plead for the request they made before, that Mr. Cai will agree even if he has the final say.

"My family can't be found! We're running out of food! I haven't found a job. If this continues, my whole family will starve to death! Mr. Zhang, you can't just die without saving me!"

Ma'er's daughter-in-law spoke eloquently, and the tone behind her words was that there was no way out. If Zhang Shumian didn't take action, their whole family would be dead.

Originally, she and her mother-in-law and brother-in-law followed the Cai family to City B smoothly. They did not spend any money on entering the city and were secretly proud of taking advantage. However, the good times did not come because of this benefit.

She said she came to seek refuge with her eldest uncle's family, but City B had already changed drastically. No one was found at all, and it was hard to say whether they were alive or not. How could she seek refuge there?

Looking at their current situation, you will know why she had to come to Zhang Shumian.

Let’s talk about the housing issue first. The materials their family brought could not afford to rent a decent place to live. The five members of the family were crowded into a free shack provided by the government, which was only a few square meters in size. They could not even stretch their legs when sleeping, let alone How uncomfortable!

The temperature difference during this day was huge. It was extremely hot at noon and freezing to death at night. It was not easy for them to persist until today!

As for food, they didn’t have much food left. The old and the young didn’t have the labor force to earn points or crystal cores, so they could only sit and eat!

There wasn't much work she could do out there, and she was exhausted all day long and couldn't earn a few points. If this continued, they would die of heat or freezing or starve to death!

There is also her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ma, who wants to take Masan to have her leg treated, but they cannot afford the medical expenses. They have been taking advantage of her absence these days to take stock of the family property. She couldn't stop her son from treating his legs!

After several inquiries, she found Zhang Shumian's whereabouts, and stayed there with her child for a few days. No one else could count on him, so she could only come to ask for help from Mr. Zhang, who had no worries about food and housing but was still soft-hearted!

Looking at the big base in front of her, let her mother-in-law take over the headquarters. She is too lazy to take care of her mother-in-law and her mother-in-law.

Zhang Shumian almost got angry to death after hearing her words, "Even if you really starve to death, what does it have to do with me?"

"Why doesn't it matter? You promised Mr. Qiao to take over and take care of us in the first place. You can't just leave us alone, right?" Ma'er's daughter-in-law didn't care about her face, she said it aggrievedly, like someone who brought a child to find a heartless man. Abandoned wife.

"You! When did I promise him? How can you talk nonsense!" Zhang Shumian looked at the time. Cai Jincheng was coming back soon. He had to get rid of this trouble as soon as possible.

Not seeing Chen Younian, he called the two guards at the base over: "Come over quickly and drive them away!"

It's okay not to mention Qiao Yi, but when he mentions Zhang Shumian, he gnashes his teeth with hatred. Why are you wasting your time acting with them? Are there not many people in the world who are going to starve to death? Why should he give Qiao Yiping this mess!

"Yes, Mr. Zhang!" The two guards watched behind for a long time. The orphan and widowed mother was crying and making trouble. Many people had gathered around to watch the fun. They did not dare to come out to chase people away, for fear of being criticized by others. It's bullying.

Now that Mr. Zhang has spoken, they don't need to be polite. They help Zhang Shumian get rid of the entanglement without much effort, and then start chasing people away with a fierce look: "You dare to harass our Mr. Zhang, you have had enough! Get out!"

"Ouch! You are so heartless! You leave us orphans and widowed mothers alone and enjoy the happiness here. Why are you so cruel!"

Ma'er's daughter-in-law turned into a downtown shrew on the spot, fell to the ground, rolled around and splashed, working as hard as she wanted.

"What's going on? Are you still crying?" Passerby A asked.

"I don't know. It seems that I brought my child to recognize my father, but he didn't recognize me!" Passerby Yi replied.

"That man is very young, doesn't he look like a father?"

"Or is it a son?"

"Stop talking, there's someone inside!"

Amid the discussion, Chen Younian came late and saw the people rolling on the ground clearly. He quickly pulled the stunned Zhang Shumian back to the base. He told Zhang Shumian in private that if he didn't kill such people, he would have to hide. Stay away, don't say a word, otherwise it will be a matter of time before you get stuck!

"Brother Chen, how can she be so shameless!" When Zhang Shumian saw him, it was like seeing a life-saving straw. She took his big hand familiarly, expressing her dissatisfaction while easing the chill on her body.

"Just drive away. I think you should go inside and wait! Mr. Cai will probably have to go to the Military Research Institute again before he comes back!"

Chen Younian still had a lot of things to do, but Zhang Shumian was dishonest and insisted on coming out to greet Cai Jincheng in person, which made him unable to concentrate on his work. Alas! When will it end!

But Zhang Shumian felt aggrieved. If he hadn't come here to wait, his brother Jincheng might have forgotten about him...

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