Chapter 53 Qingyu Peak Base

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Qiao Yi felt a little worried. Before he, the euphemistically named King of the Mountain, could dominate the mountain, there was something over there that dared to shake things up!

It seems that he must go back quickly to establish his authority!

"Jackals, tigers and leopards? Pheasants and hares? What kind of thing is it that you have to drag Mr. Hei to suppress it?" The forest in the nature reserve is so big that naturally there are all kinds of birds. He really couldn't think of it for a while. What could come out that could be more ferocious and powerful than Hei Ye!

"Uh~, I can't tell you clearly about this at the moment. I'd better go back and take a look before talking!" Mr. Shan said hesitantly, "Don't worry, brat, I can't destroy your dungeon! If you don't worry, , you can go back and take a look early!"

Mr. Shan has said so, and there is no point in Qiao Yi being anxious. He just hopes that they can sort out the so-called mess before he brings his people back!

Thinking of something, Qiao Yi suddenly asked: "By the way, old man, if I come back, is there an exit that is convenient for me to get in and out? I don't want to be embarrassed when I can't find my house!"

When he first left, he found an exit by mistake, then reached the bottom of the canyon, and then followed the river valley and stream out of the mountain. But that was by no means a suitable entrance and exit. It was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it was not enough for the scene!

Just listen to the old man saying slowly: "Take the road you should take, climb the mountain you should climb, the top of the Jade Cave, the top of Qingyu Peak, is where you should go!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi really wanted to complain. He could just climb to the top of Qingyu Peak. Why waste so much time on it?

However, if he remembered correctly, the Qingyu Peak was not that easy to climb!

Qiao Yi thought about it secretly, and suddenly remembered something. He could not help but point his eyes sideways at the void and accuse: "Old man, since there is an exit above Guanyu Cave, why didn't you tell me directly last time?"

I didn't tell him, but I pointed him to a secret passage with twists and turns that never ended, causing him to wander around in a maze-like dungeon for a long time. Wasn't this a deliberate attempt to trick him?

And his complaints didn't get any response for a long time!

"Old man? Old man, are you still there?" Qiao Yi turned around and shouted twice, then rolled his eyes helplessly, "Sleep in a second! Leave in a second! This is what you, an old man, should do!" "

"Come on, there's a generation gap and we can't communicate!" Qiao Yi helplessly spread his hands towards Xiao Huaizhou.

Xiao Huaizhou was amused. Looking at his depressed expression, he smiled lightly and said, "A very interesting person!"

Qiao Yi curled his lips and said, "How irresponsible are you? You say half of everything, it's so irritating!"

"If you are really worried, go back and take a look!" Xiao Huaizhou patted him on the shoulder, then looked at him and said solemnly: "I will accompany you!"

"Really! Third brother, do you want to go back with me?" Qiao Yi felt indescribably excited after hearing this.

The faint smile in Xiao Huaizhou's eyes went straight to the bottom of his heart, and he said softly: "No matter what you want to do from now on, I will be with you!" Unless you don't need me, I won't do it easily. I let you go alone.

Qiao Yi grabbed his arm with some excitement and smiled happily, "It's just what I want, Third Brother. I originally planned to go to City B to find you first, and then go back to start construction. Otherwise, with such a big mountain, I What can I do alone? It would be great if you came with me!"

"I will definitely accompany you, don't worry!" Xiao Huaizhou gave him reassurance.

City B looks impregnable on the surface, but Xiao Huaizhou can see clearly that this superficial solidity is not indestructible. The survival of millions of people is in danger. The military and the government are facing each other everywhere. There are countless forces in the city, big and small, fighting for survival and control. The struggle for power, even in the end of the world, still cannot truly unite for the survival of mankind!

No matter how powerful the fortress is on the outside, it can't help the cracks spreading inside. In the end, it's just a mess caused by the external force and the internal power!

And the Xiao family is in the midst of this turbulent whirlpool. It looks strong and prosperous, but the internal sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger!

Since one company cannot be the only one, it is necessary to prepare a way out in advance!

And the Qingyu Peak that Qiao Yi mentioned has undoubtedly brought a great turn of events to the Xiao family! And the timing is just right!

"Third brother?" Qiao Yi called out softly. His third brother agreed so happily. Did he already have some plans?

"What's wrong?"

Qiao Yi looked at him seriously and asked: "Then what are your plans? Come with me to Qingyu Peak directly, or should you go back to City B to see grandpa first?"

Xiao Huaizhou frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then replied: "Let's collect some supplies first, and then go directly to Qingyu Peak. No matter what, we must learn about the environment there in advance, and the underground cave you mentioned. , we need to spend time and manpower to find out. If we don’t figure it out, we won’t be able to explain it to my grandpa and uncle when we go back!"

Qiao Yi listened and nodded in agreement. What he originally thought was indeed simple. He didn't even understand what was going on, so he just called people to check in. It was rash!

It was his third brother who thought long term!

"What about grandpa?"

Xiao Huaizhou knew that he was rushing all the way to City B just to find his grandfather and reunite with him, so he immediately responded: "It doesn't matter, I will send someone back to inform grandpa and tell him that I have found you, and then we will take care of the rest of our lives." Just talk about the arrangements briefly and he won’t worry!”

Qiao Yi thought this was good, so he nodded happily and said: "Then it's settled!"

He has rolled up his sleeves and is ready for a big fight!

Qingyu Peak Underground City! Qingyu Peak Underground City?

He was full of energy and suddenly felt weak. Dungeon? Does this dungeon buried underground sound a bit like an underground tomb?

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi suddenly fisted his fist and made up his mind - change his name!

Then I saw him staring at his third brother eagerly, and said somewhat mysteriously: "Third brother gives you a task!"


Qiao Yi didn't hesitate: "Give me a name for that base! Dungeon doesn't sound good!"

Xiao Huaizhou looked at him: "Don't want a dungeon?"

Qiao Yi nodded fiercely: "Don't go to the dungeon, find something taller!"

"Yeah." Xiao Huaizhou lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then slightly raised the corners of his lips and uttered a few words: "Qingyu Peak Base!"

Qiao Yi raised his eyebrows, when did his third brother become so naughty!

"What's wrong? Not satisfied? Aren't you tall enough?" Xiao Huaizhou looked at him with a smile and asked, why is that speechless expression so cute!

When he said this, what else could Qiao Yi be dissatisfied with? Qingyu Peak is indeed high, big and difficult to climb!

Qiao Yi bit his lip and looked at Xiao Huaizhou, suspecting that he was also a waste of names, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then let's go to Qingyu Peak Base!"

How could Xiao Huaizhou disagree? He agreed with a warm voice: "I listen to you, let's call it Qingyu Peak Base!"

Qiao Yi: ...I don’t know what I’m doing here.

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