Chapter 52 Promoting his Qingyu Peak

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Qiao Yi, who has turned into a real estate agent, has a lot of houses in his hands. Although they are pure primitive rough houses, they cannot stand up to safety!

Not only is the environment of green mountains and green waters great, the key thing is that there is also a 24-hour all-round protection circle!

Seeing Qiao Yi's eagerness to sell, Xiao Huaizhou concluded that his kid still had stories to tell!

Raising his eyebrows, he asked with great interest: "Moving? Where to move? You might as well tell me!"

Qiao Yi patted his forehead and thought for a while, where should I start? He hasn't told his third brother how this space came about!

"Well, it's a long story!" Qiao Yi sighed deeply, then pulled out the black jade hanging around his neck and showed it to Xiao Huaizhou: "Let's start with this piece of black jade. Let me tell you, third brother, this is no ordinary jade..."

At the beginning of "Black Jade", Qiao Yi suddenly started talking and told Xiao Huaizhou a series of legendary experiences after awakening Black Jade, including the magic circle, including Master Shenshishan and Hei Ye, as well as the space The origin, and of course the dungeon he hadn't yet finished exploring.

Qiao Yi talked nonstop while Xiao Huaizhou listened quietly.

When he finally finished speaking and stopped to take a breath, he felt incredible. These experiences he had could write a legendary story!

But when he saw Xiao Huaizhou's calm and calm look, he wondered if he had just talked about loneliness!

"Third brother?" Qiao Yi stared at his face, hoping to see some surprise on that handsome face.


"What do you think of what I just said?" Qiao Yi actually wanted to ask him if he believed it. To be honest, if he were to listen to it, he would think it was very fantasy and he would be suspected of making up a story.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Huaizhou did not respond directly to him, but stared at Qiao Yi for a long time, and then suddenly hugged him!

Qiao Yi: ...What kind of trick is his third brother doing!

He reached out and patted Xiao Huaizhou's arm gently, and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, third brother?"

Soon, he heard Xiao Huaizhou say in a deep voice: "Fortunately, Black Jade is here. It's great that you are okay!"

Qiao Yi talked about so many bizarre experiences, but Xiao Huaizhou only listened to one. It turned out that his Xiao Yi had faced so many things alone. It was hard to imagine that if it weren't for Black Jade, Qiao Yi, as an ordinary person, would want to be safe. How hard it must be to survive!

I regret once again that I failed to find the person at the beginning of the end of the world!

Qiao Yi didn't expect Xiao Huaizhou's focus to be this, but he was still a little touched. For someone to value his life and death so important, he felt that his life was worth living!

"Well, thanks to Black Jade, my luck is so good! Didn't you see it too? Not only am I fine now, but I'm in great shape!" Qiao Yi comforted her with gentle words, but she didn't expect that she was still smiling just now. Such a calm gentleman actually needs him to comfort him.

After thinking about it, he gently pushed Xiao Huaizhou to distance himself from him, then looked up at him and asked, "Do you believe everything I said?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Huaizhou immediately gave the answer: "I believe it. Your Black Master and Space are all vividly placed in front of me. Is there anything else that I don't believe in?" Mainly because I believe everything you say!

Qiao Yi felt relieved after hearing this. He thought he would have to explain it again and again to make it clear! His third brother is also very good at communicating!

"That's great! So what do third brothers think of my idea?" Qiao Yi was very happy that his third brother believed in him without hesitation, so he couldn't wait to know what Xiao Huaizhou thought of him building his own security base. view.

Xiao Huaizhou seemed to have read through his mind. He looked at him and smiled lightly, and then gave a simple and easy-to-understand answer: "The weather is right and the place is right!"

"Ah?" After hearing this, Qiao Yi blinked and suddenly threw himself on Xiao Huaizhou excitedly and shouted: "Third brother, do you agree with this, right? I knew you would definitely support me!"

Seeing that he rushed forward regardless, Xiao Huaizhou froze for a moment, and then smiled helplessly: "Your idea is right, of course the third brother will support you, and I believe grandpa will be very happy that the Xiao family can have such a special person. Use our safe base as a retreat!"

"However, it is not easy to establish a safe base. We have to do it step by step, okay?"

"Ok, I know……"

"Ahem!" Qiao Yi was interrupted by a cough at the beginning of his words, "Well, don't mind if I interrupt you two!"

old! lofty! Shan Lao!

Qiao Yi immediately let go of his third brother and shouted towards the empty sky: "Old man? You woke up!"

"Hey, I've only slept for a few days, and I'm still sleepy!" Shanlao said resentfully, and then suddenly changed the topic to Xiao Huaizhou, and said in surprise: "Oh, this guy has good bones! His superpowers are not simple either, he is a plastic talent!"

Qiao Yi happily introduced his third brother: "Old man, this is my third brother that I said I wanted to find before, Xiao Huaizhou."

Then, he pointed towards the void with a smile and introduced to Xiao Huaizhou: "This divine dragon with neither head nor tail is the Shan Lao I just mentioned to you, that divine consciousness!"

So, Xiao Huaizhou clasped his hands in his fists, bowed to the void, and said thank you solemnly: "Xiao Huaizhou, I would like to thank Shan Lao for taking care of Qiao Yi. If you need anything in the future, please feel free to ask, and I will do my best to repay you! "

"Oh, what you say is quite pleasing to the ear..."

"Okay, old man, put everything aside for now. You woke up suddenly again. What's the matter?" Qiao Yi was afraid that he might fall asleep again, so he decisively interrupted his useless words. ,Go straight!

"How come you've become smart again!" Shan Lao scolded him rudely.

Qiao Yi rolled his eyes and urged: "I'm already smart, okay, let's get down to business!"

Shan Lao lost interest in chatting with him and replied directly: "Something happened at Qingyu Peak. I have to go back with my little cutie!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yi couldn't help being shocked: "Qingyu Peak? What happened to Qingyu Peak?" That will be his future base camp!

He had just finished selling to his third brother, damn, something went wrong so quickly! Isn't this a slap in the face?

Seeing his fussing look, Shan Lao clicked his tongue twice: "Why are you so anxious? Look at how calm that kid is!"

Qiao Yi's head was full of black lines, could he compare to his third brother's calmness?

"What happened?" Qiao Yi asked again, did he want to scare him to death?

Shan Lao's voice came slowly: "It's nothing, I just woke up some little ones again. No one was there to take care of them for a while. I was so happy. I'll take the little cuties back to discipline them for you!"

Qiao Yi couldn't help but grind his teeth after hearing this. He intuitively felt that those so-called little guys should be described with the word 'big' instead!

However, he still couldn't help but asked curiously: "What are they? Is my dungeon okay?"

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