Chapter 131 Yang Lidong was scratched

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At this critical post-war moment, Adjutant Yang Lidong, who was supposed to be responsible for the important clean-up work, suddenly disappeared. This is not a good signal!

Although Yang Lidong usually looks carefree, he will never be lazy at such a critical moment!

Xiao Huaizhou's first reaction when he found out was that something had happened to Yang Lidong!

And Su Yue's heart became uneasy. This old partner of his was definitely not someone who would play missing, especially in the face of such a big event, he knew his duty best!

Without Xiao Huaizhou's explanation, Su Yue arranged for people to search everywhere as soon as he didn't find anyone. If he hadn't had to do all kinds of things for them, the Third Young Master, he would have gone there himself.

"Go back to Third Young Master, there's no news yet!"

"Have you searched outside the city?"

Xiao Huaizhou confirmed with him again. Su Yue said that he had asked Yang Lidong to return to the city wall in the middle of the night, but his second brother said that he did not notice him going up the city wall. Could he be attacked by zombies before he could climb up? Already?

You wouldn't be stupid enough not to use your powers at the critical moment, right?

""No, even if it is...there should be something left behind! "

Su Yue didn't dare to tell the worst case scenario, and he couldn't believe that such a strong person would really die from the mouth of a zombie. It was impossible!

"Then send someone to look for it again!"

Xiao Huaizhou ordered in a deep voice that since he joined the special battle group, Yang Lidong has been by his side, doing everything personally to manage all matters for him. He is really like an old woman, and he has gained his trust and attention!


Qiao Yi was also surprised. He said that among the people he knew well at the scene, there seemed to be one missing person, and it turned out to be Yang Lidong!

"Adjutant Yang is missing? When did it happen?"

Qiao Yi didn't know how much he missed by sleeping, but Yang Lidong was his third brother's right-hand man, so he had to pay attention to it!

"Master Qiao, when the battle was coming to an end, I sent people to look for him. After all, many things require his adjutant to come forward! However, the several waves of people sent said they couldn't find anyone! I'm so worried!"

Su Yue quickly replied, looking at him eagerly, Mr. Qiao, please help find a solution!

"Then...have you looked for those people who were bitten and scratched by zombies?"

Since no traces of death were found, and there were no traces of death where they should have been, could it be that he knew he was injured and quarantined himself?

"All the people found to be injured have been isolated and all have been registered. There is no one like him!"

Su Yue searched in every place he could think of, but still couldn't find anything. He even wondered if this guy had melted himself because of the water!

After these words, there was another period of silence.

Qin Ye, an outsider who had never seen Yang Lidong, could not help him much, so he took over the task of cleaning up the battlefield outside the city.

Han Guoxin also couldn't tell the origin of a lot of things. Even if he knew Yang Lidong's unusual identity, he couldn't help him!

"I'll take people to find it myself!"

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