Chapter 170 Qiao Yi's Little Friend

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Since memorizing the mental method and trying to use it, Qiao Yi has been completely purified, and his physical fitness has improved unprecedentedly. Not to mention how superb his martial arts is, his ability to move and jump is not what these people can do now. Comparable!

It used to be that his third brother had to help him climb the mountain, but now he can climb from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain without even breathing heavily!

Before, my calves were shaking when I was careful going down the mountain, but now I can bounce long distances as soon as I start, and I can rush to the bottom without braking!

He couldn't contain his excitement about developing a new skill. Every time he tried, Xiao Huaizhou's heart trembled and he didn't dare to blink!

Fortunately, San Bengzi came back. Qiao Yi temporarily turned his attention to it. Just as he was about to let it take him for a walk in the forest, he was stopped by his third brother!

Their second brother Xiao is here!

Immediately changing direction, Qiao Yi rode San Bengzi and headed down the mountain. Unexpectedly, he met a familiar person on the way. He waved his third brother and sent him away first, while he jumped down to find the end!

"Donor Qiao! It's you!"

Finally, he looked up at the huge San Bengzi and sighed. Just now he felt the mountain shake and the ground shook. When he looked up, he saw such a huge thing rushing down from the mountain. He thought he was going to be trampled to death! So scary!

"It's the end! You're back! Are you okay?"

Qiao Yi stepped forward to help the little monk who fell on the ground, and reached out to pat the dust on his clothes. He was so anxious that he forgot that people would walk on this road down the mountain from time to time.

Finally, he shook his clothes and laughed nonchalantly: "Haha, I'm fine, it's just a little sudden and I was shocked for a moment!"

Anyone who suddenly appeared in front of such a big guy had to react. His reaction was to collapse to the ground. He was so embarrassed!

"It's okay. Have you just arrived? Where is my second brother?"

"Well, we just arrived, and the second young master is down there!"

Finally, I realized that Xiao Huaiqing was too busy with things to follow him directly up the mountain, so I couldn't wait to run up the mountain, just to keep my ears clear for a while.

"Oh, then do you want to go down the mountain with me, or go to the underground city to have a look? Forget it, you are not familiar with it, wait until the second brother comes to see it! I will take you down the mountain to meet them first!"

Qiao Yi said that he was going to pull him, but unexpectedly, he was rejected in an awkward manner: "Either, or I won't go now, I can wait here!"

He finally climbed here and was almost exhausted. Didn't he just want to stay away from that gangster? What's the point of following him back now?

"What's wrong? Are you tired? It doesn't matter, let San Bengzi take us down, it won't take any effort at all!"

Seeing beads of sweat on his forehead, Qiao Yi thought it was because he was too tired to move anymore, so he quickly moved out San Bengzi's mount, hoping to get down the mountain in just a few minutes!

"No, no! I don't want to go down anymore, they are all busy, there is no need to cause trouble!"

In the end, he waved his hands again and again. It was really unnecessary to go down by himself. It was better to just wait here and calm down!

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