Chapter 181 Mr. Xiao suffered a loss

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Before noon, the city gate of City B was still extremely busy. This time period was the peak period for entering the city. All those who could afford it wanted to rush into the city at noon, the hottest time. All exits were crowded for a while!

At this moment, a group of military vehicles suddenly drove up in the distance. The first vehicle honked its horn to disperse the crowd blocking the road, and rushed all the way to the backup passage in the middle of the tower and stopped!

The guard on duty at the city gate could tell at a glance whose convoy was coming, and hurriedly turned around and told his companions: "It's the second master who is back. Go and inform the young master!"

The second master in his mouth was Xiao Lixun. As soon as the car stopped, he jumped out, raised his head and shouted at the sentry on the tower: "Go! Go and notify Xiao Huaiming and ask him to bring people out. Just say that he is the second master." Uncle, I met a bandit on the road! If you have a gun, if you don't have a gun, there are also people with super powers. I will call out all the powerful ones. If you don't believe me, I can't deal with him!"

The guard took a closer look and was really shocked. This second man had really been robbed. His hair was messy, his face was wounded, and his military uniform was scratched by something, and there was blood oozing out!

Mr. Xiao has suffered a big loss!

"Yes! Second Master! I'll go right away!"

The guards didn't dare to delay any longer. If someone dared to touch Mr. Xiao, who had taken the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage? You really need to call someone!

Xiao Lixun shouted that there were bandits, which immediately caused a commotion among the crowd. The crowd began to rush towards the city gate in panic, as if some monster was chasing them!

Xiao Lixun's assistant, Shen Meng, had a headache and held his forehead. Their second master really didn't care when he got angry. He roared and caused panic! How will they end up!

"Second Master! You need to calm down first! With so many people, things can easily get into trouble!"

"What are you afraid of? It's better to have more people. Let me see if those bastards at the back dare to follow me directly! It doesn't matter if he doesn't come over. I'll kill him after I call the master. I have to beat the man surnamed Hong until he calls me grandpa." !”

Xiao Lixun ignored the chaotic crowd, rolled up his sleeves, and walked back and forth in front of the car with his waist in his hands. He kept looking towards the city gate, waiting for reinforcements to arrive so that he could take people back.

If you don’t go out for a thousand years, you will encounter thieves when you go out! Xiao Lixun was cursing in his heart. He finally led the team to hunt for zombies. After spending a whole night outside, he managed to capture a few of the third-level zombies he had been targeting alive. He was gathering the team to return to the city before dawn when he encountered an enemy on the way. A team of people!

Those people refused to give way to the military vehicles and clamored to take their supplies. They were obviously deliberately looking for trouble!

The two sides challenged each other on the spot, and once their names were announced, they realized that the leader of the other side was actually Hong Shengbo, who held up half of the sky in Y City!

Although Xiao Lixun doesn't go out often, he knows a lot. He knows who Hong Shengbo is and what he has done. In his words, he is a bully who bullies the weak and fears the strong!

The bullies were bullying him. How could Mr. Xiao bear it? He shouted and started to do it immediately!

But soon he knew why this grandson dared to challenge them openly. It turned out that Hong Shengbo was already a fourth-level powerhouse!

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