Chapter 179 Zhang Shumian reveals his secrets

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Unexpectedly, Cai Jincheng's worries were unnecessary!

When he brought Zhang Shumian to the Military Research Institute, he received a warm reception. Hearing that his symptoms had worsened, Si Chengli, the head of the research center, even examined Zhang Shumian himself!

For Cai Jincheng, he was really flattered!

"The situation is not good! But thank you for finding ways to alleviate it!" As soon as Si Chengli came out of the examination room, he communicated with Cai Jincheng about the situation.

"It's not good? So you mean it's getting worse again? Then, is that medicine still useful?" Cai Jincheng asked as he walked with an extremely solemn expression.

"The medicine must be effective, but I've made it clear to you before that it will have side effects, so don't expect it to be a life-saving medicine!"

Si Chengli told the truth that the reason why he was willing to come over and examine Zhang Shumian in person was simply to verify the efficacy and side effects of their ability-sealing drug. Where could he find such a good experimental subject?

"Understood! But, do you still have no other solution to his problem?"

After hearing his question, Si Chengli shook his head regretfully: "Sorry! This is not within the scope of our research!"

"Can you sell me more of the sealing medicine? We can't let him continue to suffer like this." Cai Jincheng still puts his hope in this power sealing medicine. It's better to have side effects than to freeze to death!

On their way here, he felt that Zhang Shumian's whole body was about to become frosty! If he can't suppress it as soon as possible, given his small physique, he might not be able to survive for a few days!

"I told you there are side effects, are you sure you still want to give it to him? Moreover, the current batch of medicine has entered another experimental stage, and it's hard to say what the effect will be!"

Si Chengli stopped and turned around to face him, "He is not a guinea pig, you have to consider the consequences!"

If Xiao Lixun was here at this time, he might be happy to give him some more power-blocking medicine. If he could make money, he could have more experimental subjects. This is a good thing to have delivered to his door. Mainly, he can watch Cai Jincheng's excitement and relieve his anger!

But Si Chengli had his own position. That Zhang Shumian was a human life after all. Even if his own problems could not be solved for the time being, they should not push him into an even more difficult situation!

He said this to remind Cai Jincheng that no matter how soft-hearted he is, he should not place all his hopes on a drug that has no safety guarantee. Otherwise, it will be like drinking poison to quench his thirst, and it will be difficult to get rid of drug addiction!

Cai Jincheng was grateful for Si Chengli's reminder and nodded slightly to express his gratitude: "Thank you, Mr. Si! I understand what you said. I will discuss this issue with Shu Mian again, but just in case, I I still hope to prepare some, and I hope you can understand! Of course, I will personally control the use of this medicine! Please rest assured!"

Cai Jincheng said this, but he knew in his heart that once the medicine was available, Zhang Shumian would probably not wait to take it. This was only the first night, and he looked much pale and haggard, and he could not even walk. No more!

"Now that you've said that, I have nothing more to say. You can only take the medicine once, and you know the rules!"

Si Chengli put his hands in his pockets, turned around and continued to lead people to his office. This batch of experimental drugs had to be issued by him in person before he could collect it.

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