Chapter 109 Facing Lei Maosheng

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Inside Lei Maosheng's mansion in Fengyang City.

Mrs. Lei, Zhu Yongwei, had just finished a round of crazy beatings and was sitting on the ground crying. Her cheeks were red and swollen, the corners of her eyes were injured, and the blood flowing from the corners of her lips was mixed with tears, covering her face. She was indescribably miserable!

She never expected that all she did was block Lei Maosheng and she would be beaten mercilessly by him. The man who had never laid a finger on her completely despised her!

"You damn Lei Maosheng! Go to hell! Take that damn bitch with you!"

Looking at the mess in the house, Zhu Yongwei gritted his teeth and cursed, wishing he could burn the place down.

Just when she was crying and crying with grief and anger, her brother Zhu Yongfu rushed over after hearing the news. When he entered the door, he was shocked by the mess in front of him. After all the smashing, there was no decent object left in the house.

And when he saw the miserable appearance of his sister, he was even more shocked, "Sister! Why are you injured like this! Did my brother-in-law do it?"

Zhu Yongfu hurriedly stepped forward and helped the person up. Zhu Yongfu was also trembling with anger. He had never seen his sister suffer any injustice, but he didn't expect to be bullied like this by someone named Lei!

"Afu! My sister can't live! He even gave up his life for that woman, what hope do you think I have?" When Zhu Yongwei saw her only younger brother, she even grabbed a life-saving straw and complained tearfully.

"Is it because of that woman again?" Zhu Yongfu thought for a while and then asked: "I heard from the people in the donkey shed that my brother-in-law took hundreds of people out of the city early in the morning. Could it be that he went to Rongan?"

"Woo! I heard that something happened over there. He was so anxious to save that vixen that he took people there without even knowing what was going on. Do you think he is crazy?"

"Hmph! I knew this would happen! I told you a long time ago that once a man gains power, he will change! He has so much power here, how could he be willing to only guard you! You should have been mentally prepared. of!"

Zhu Yongfu got angry when he said this. He had already vaccinated his sister, but she didn't take it to heart at all. She was busy playing cards and socializing every day, not thinking about how to win over men, and was overconfident!

"Let's go! There's no room for anyone to live here. I'll take you to see your injuries, and then you can stay at my place first!"

Zhu Yongfu said and found a coat for her to put on. He often took advantage of Lei Maosheng's influence. Besides, he was the lord of a city and he couldn't control her, but his sister still had to control her!

However, I don’t know how long this brother-in-law can benefit from the benefits. I still need to persuade his sister to endure it if she can. Even if it can stop him from looking for the woman named Sun, it will not stop him from looking for someone else. As a woman, let’s keep Mrs. Lei’s position first!

"Are we just going to let him do whatever he wants?" Zhu Yongwei cried and said unwillingly. He was not afraid of tormenting her, but now she was afraid that if he really took that woman back, would she be able to do so?

"My good sister! What else can I do if I don't let him go? Do you want me to drive the donkeys to block his way? Don't forget that this is the end of the world, and we still have to rely on him to survive! Don't be stupid, let's go !”

After hearing what he said, Zhu Yongwei opened the floodgates completely, hugged her brother and started crying again...

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