Chapter 176 Hong Changbo is about to take action

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Obviously, the huge R city cannot be conquered by just a few hundred orangutans who are good at fighting!

There are not many zombies, but the area is wide, and there are countless nooks and crannies. If we don't conduct a large-scale carpet search, we may miss many zombies who can't be killed!

"Did the old man understand it wrong? This work is very urgent and cannot be done slowly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Shan Lao's rebuttal voice lingering in his mind: "You brat, do you think it's that simple? It's not over yet! Look at it!"

If you dare to doubt his understanding, you must show off your hand and slap the brat in the face!

"Ah? What do you mean, old man?"

Qiao Yi didn't understand, so he immediately followed up and asked, but the next second he was interrupted by a scalp-numbing squeaking sound!

"Look!" Xiao Huaizhou looked at the bushes in the distance and motioned for Qiao Yi to take a look.

I saw a large area of ​​gray overflowing very quickly, rushing in like a tide, and those gray mice, which were half a man tall and with red eyes, instantly brought back some shocking memories of Qiao Yi, and I heard him almost tremble. He shouted: "It's them!"

It was the mutated gray mouse that chased him in the secret passage and almost ate him!

These rats were different from the rats they had encountered before. Not only were they big and had sharp teeth, they were also covered in bristles like steel needles, which looked very prickly!

At this moment, thousands of mutated gray rats all stood and looked at Qiao Yi, like an army waiting for a general's review, eagerly preparing to go!

Qiao Yi, who was a little dizzy, had no time to reminisce with them. He held back the hair on his body and waved to the city on the other side of the river. He said nothing more. Have a nice meal!

As a result, the gray tide quickly flowed across the spacious bridge deck, rushing north, and finally submerged in the urban jungle!

Qiao Yi buried his head in his third brother's arms and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The quantity was enough. It was estimated that even the sewers would not be spared!

But he just wanted to know where so many rats came from? Where to hide? Not a single one was found in his dungeon. These rats must have a huge dungeon!

This night, R City is destined to be unrest!

All the zombies hiding deep in the darkness can only accept their fate and be expelled and torn apart except for their unwilling roars and useless struggles!

Besides, at the hunting ground, with the addition of so many powerful mutant animals, their lethality suddenly increased, so Qiao Yi asked Xiao Huaizhou to bring Master Hei back overnight!

How could one go to City B and forget his mutant snake!

First of all, because Master Hei has saved a lot of crystal cores for Qiao Yi, this time he returned to B city and it will be of use. It is really boring to just make money without spending it. Qiao Yi is going to spend a lot of money!

Secondly, because Hei Ye has super combat power and the advantage of being able to transform, he can stay in the space when he has nothing to do. He has worked hard to kill zombies for so many days, so he should be given a holiday. If he has something to do, he will be a bodyguard and killer. At critical moments It’s not bad to put it out to scare people!

It is simply a must-have beast for home travel!

At the same time, there were dozens of fourth-order crystal nuclei that came back with Master Hei. This brought Qiao Yi a great surprise, and he stuffed them all into the arms of his third brother!

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