Chapter 177 Captain Cai turned green

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The moon was dark and the wind was cold, and the originally silent night was illuminated by a sudden burst of fire. As the fire started, there were bursts of exclamations: "It's not good! It's on fire! Hurry and put out the fire!"

The fire started in a bungalow on the outskirts of City B. This area is mainly inhabited by the aboriginal people of City B. There are a large number of people, and the houses are connected together. You can imagine how much involvement and spread a spark will cause!

With the flames blazing into the sky, the burning bungalow was quickly devoured by the flames, and no one inside escaped!

There were panicked crowds all around, Dang Dang Dang! Someone has sounded the fire alarm bell, and there is no hope for them alone to put out the fire with buckets and basins!

The city fire brigade has become the savior that everyone is looking forward to!

Behind the crowd who were helpless in the face of the fire, Chen Younian clenched his fists and cursed in his heart. Today's luck is so bad, so bad!

He finally figured out the details of the small vendor and wanted to sneak into his house at night to kill and burn his body. Unexpectedly, the single man had an extra bed partner that night!

When he started, the woman suddenly woke up. In order to block the exclamation she blurted out, Chen Younian wiped his sharp blade directly towards her throat, but his supernatural fire instinctively rushed downwards, because the one under his hand The men who had not been killed by him also started to resist!

The flames ignited instantly, and the thickly covered bed burst into flames. The raging flames could no longer be extinguished in an instant!

The tip of the knife changed direction, and the man who was panicking and struggling was killed without a chance to call for help!

Knocking over a kerosene lamp on the table, Chen Younian quickly stepped back, using his hands to make the flames burn stronger and stronger. Although there was an extra life, the goal was achieved, so let the fire completely destroy everything. !

Leaving the fire scene, he quickly hid in the darkness and sneaked back to his station as quickly as possible!

The task was completed, Chen Younian just breathed a sigh of relief, but the moment he opened the door, his heart immediately jumped up. The person in front of him regardless of throwing himself into his arms, who else could it be if it wasn't Zhang Shumian?

"Master Zhang? Are you feeling cold again?"

Chen Younian raised his hands and asked with a headache and doubts. The coldness coming from his body made his heart sink. This was his old habit again and he came to him to keep him warm!

"Brother Chen! Hurry, help me! I'm going to... freeze to death!"

As Zhang Shumian said this, he hugged him tightly and tried his best to get into his arms.

It was clear that everything was fine during the day, but he was suddenly woken up by the cold in the middle of the night. The moment he opened his eyes, he knew something was wrong. This bone-eroding cold was too familiar. The problem with his superpowers was back, and it seemed that it was still there. There is a tendency to worsen!

What's bad is that they don't have any extra ability-sealing medicine at all. They were forced to get the medicine at that time, and it has no clinical application at all. They agreed to give it to him just to let him try it. There was no way they would have any extra for him to spare!

I huddled around the quilt and leaned on the stove to warm myself for a long time, but I couldn't see any relief. I couldn't stand it any more, so I came directly to Chen Younian for help.

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