Chapter 57: Already broke through the fourth level

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The three of them murmured there for a while, and then made the decision to go to Rongan Base without giving Sun Feifei a chance to request in person!

Sun Feifei was sitting in the off-road vehicle and watched eagerly as Yang Lidong came back after his report. She hurriedly stuck her head out and asked him: "How are you, Brother Yang? Can I go over now?"

This time she learned to be smart and didn't dare to move for fear of upsetting Xiao Huaizhou again.

"No need to go there!" Yang Lidong replied lightly, then opened the door and sat directly on the passenger seat.

"What do you mean you don't have to go there?" Sun Feifei was puzzled. She hadn't even made her debut yet, so why didn't she need to show her face?

Yang Lidong looked back at her, smiled slightly, and said, "Third Young Master heard what I told you about you. He is very interested in your ability. If you are willing to stay, he is willing to help you solve your worries!"

Although she was very sure of the result, Sun Feifei still showed a very surprised and excited look, staring at Yang Lidong and confirming with him: "Is it true? Brother Xiao promised to help me go to Rongan to rescue my brother?"

Yang Lidong nodded in agreement: "Yes, the Third Young Master has agreed. Let's set off for Rongan now!"

"Oh! Great, let's go quickly!" As she said that, Sun Feifei suddenly opened the door and got out of the car, looking impatient.

Seeing this, Yang Lidong hurriedly stopped her and asked in confusion: "What are you going to do?" She said she was leaving immediately, but she was still running around. What on earth were she thinking!

Sun Feifei's eyes fell on the business car parked not far ahead, and she replied naturally: "What else can we do? I have to go to Brother Xiao's car and show him the way!"

She had seen the car clearly just now. There were only two people sitting in it, but the back seat was empty. It was just in time for her to go there. Maybe she could lead the way and sit in the passenger seat. That would be one step closer to Brother Xiao!

Yang Lidong didn't know what kind of dream she was having, so he replied to her very speechlessly: "Hurry up and sit down, the third young master knows the road, and our car is the first one, so it's best if you lead the way!"

Hearing what he said, Sun Feifei could only sit back with a blushing face, but she still asked reluctantly: "Who is that person with Brother Xiao?"

Her attention was all on Xiao Huaizhou, and after a cursory glance, she saw that he was also a handsome young man.

"Oh, that's Master Qiao, the only son of the eldest aunt of the Xiao family. That car belongs to him, so if nothing happens, just stay here and take care of yourself!"

Yang Lidong warned him seriously. They didn't know much about Qiao Yi, and they didn't know what his temper was or what his taboos were. Just seeing Xiao Huaizhou's defensive look, they knew that he was definitely someone who could not be offended at will!

If nothing unexpected happens to Sun Feifei, she will be considered one of their own from now on. It is still necessary to kindly remind her. Not only that, he also has to give the group of soldiers and ruffians under him a beating in advance!


The car over there sounded an urging horn, and Yang Lidong didn't waste any time. He gestured to the military truck behind him, and then greeted Su Yue: "Let's go! Go to Rongan Base!"

So, the off-road vehicle took the lead, followed by three military trucks, and the black businessman driven by Xiao Huaizhou was not far behind.

Sun Feifei bit her lip until she could no longer see the shadow of the business car and then reluctantly withdrew her gaze. From such a distance away, when could she speak to Xiao Huaizhou again?

In the commercial car behind, Qiao Yi stared excitedly at the military truck in front of him. There were seven or eight young soldiers sitting on it. They all poked their heads to look at their car curiously, and waved at him with a naive smile from time to time. Wave, so cute!

Maybe it's because most people in my grandpa's family are in the army. Qiao Yi is born with an inexplicable affinity for soldiers. Now looking at these soldiers, he feels a little envious of his third brother. Those people are all his soldiers! One call and a hundred responses!

"What's wrong?" Xiao Huaizhou held the steering wheel and glanced sideways at him. He was excited and gritted his teeth. What does it mean?

Hearing this, Qiao Yi waved his hand to the car in front of him again, then leaned back on his chair, sighed slightly, and said sourly: "It's nothing, I just envy you, third brother, for having such a big fist under your hands." People are so majestic just thinking about it!" Unlike him, apart from Master Hei, he seems to be a bare commander!

"What's there to envy? A bunch of soldiers and ruffians will give people a lot of headaches!"

Xiao Huaizhou's special operations group is strict in recruitment and training. Almost everyone has their own specialties and abilities. Once a person has some capital, it is inevitable that there will be some thorns with personality that will come out and jump around, but as long as the bottom line is not touched, , Xiao Huaizhou usually turns a blind eye.

Of course, if someone goes too far, he will not hesitate to beat him up on the training ground, and he will definitely calm down for a while.

Qiao Yi curled his lips, as long as he was obedient and good at fighting, the more such ruffians the better!

He looked up and saw that all the soldiers were blushing from the heat. It was almost noon, and he realized that he hadn't felt hot even after sitting in the car for a long time.

He could see clearly that in order to save fuel, the air conditioner in the car was not turned on, so the comfortable breeze that filled the car could only be provided by his third brother, the human-shaped fan!

It requires both driving and using superpowers to control and supply wind. It's a bit distressing to think about doing two things at once!

"Third brother, the temperature is okay right now. You don't have to use your powers all the time. Just concentrate on driving!"

Xiao Huaizhou turned to look at him and said softly: "It doesn't matter, just practice your superpowers, just right!" He was right next to him, how could he let his little Yi suffer in vain!

"Oh, that's it! Do you need to use crystal nuclei to practice super powers?" Qiao Yi said, and took out a large number of third-order crystal nuclei from the space, "I have a lot of third-order crystal nuclei here. There are attributes, you can see which ones you can use, and I’ll give them to you!”

Qiao Daqian had so many crystal cores that he had no place to use them. When he finally met one of his own, he wished he could use them all for his third brother!

Xiao Huaizhou couldn't help laughing when he saw him eager to offer the treasure, "No, just put it away!"

"Hey, what do you mean? You've seen it, I have a lot, and you don't even want it for free!" Qiao Yi thought that his third brother was reluctant to follow him, so he almost rolled up his sleeves and forced himself on him!

Xiao Huaizhou chuckled again: "What are you thinking about? It's not that I don't use it, it's that I can't use it!"

Hearing what he said, Qiao Yi looked at the crystal core in his hand and was stunned for a moment. He soon realized it, so he tilted his head and stared at his third brother in surprise: "Isn't it right? Third brother? You have already broken through the fourth level! "

Xiao Huaizhou turned the steering wheel gently, blinked at him, and then nodded: "Xiao Yi guessed it right, your third brother and I... have already broken through the fourth level!"

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