Chapter 20 Preliminary Exploration of Space

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As soon as he heard that Shan Lao was going to sleep, Qiao Yi hurriedly stopped: "Why are you sleeping again? Didn't you say that you should keep some consciousness?"

The voice of Shan Lao came faintly: "It took me a lot of effort to open up the space. I'm tired, so take a rest! Besides, the little cutie is here, so I can rest assured!"

Qiao Yi stared: "Little cutie? Master Hei?" That can also be called a cutie! Old man, what do you think?

"When I was in Guanyu Cave, it has been practicing with me. It has great wisdom and good temper. It is really cute." Shan Lao praised it without hesitation.

"Speaking of which, although it is following me now, it does not recognize me as its master. Will it still listen to me after you sleep like this?" Qiao Yi is not stupid. It was clear from the beginning who he came for. Since Shan Shan Once you wake up, the uncontrollable factors must be resolved together.

Shan Lao asked strangely: "Why didn't he listen to you? In the past few days, it has been doing everything for you. You think it was driven by me. Let me tell you, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Really?" Qiao Yi was happy, "Then recognize the master..."

"Remember, it has great intelligence and can distinguish priorities. Don't forget, you are the master of black jade. If you can control the black jade space, you can completely conquer it. Don't worry!" Shan Lao suddenly said Give him a reassurance, otherwise he thinks this kid will ask endless questions.

After hearing this, Qiao Yi finally felt relieved and said with a smile, "That's great!"

"Well, just keep it in the space from now on. It's hard for my little cutie to turn into a flower just to please you!" Mr. Shan stood up for the little cutie. Fortunately, it can bend and stretch.

"Master Hei," Qiao Yi corrected him, "it's Master Hei!"

Shan Lao didn't care: "It's up to you! Ouch, ouch, I can't do it anymore, I'm so sleepy, I have to catch up on my sleep!"

"Wait!" Qiao Yi said to stop him, feeling that there was still something unconfirmed, "Old man!"

There was silence all around, no response, damn it, I fell asleep instantly!

Qiao Yi looked at the empty space in front of him with black lines on his head. This is the legendary starting from scratch!

Let's go out first, then talk about it. The next second, Qiao Yi opened his eyes in the messy pile of bedding.

A faint light shone through the crack in the door, and the sun was about to set. It had been several hours since I slept, and I didn't know that the time in the space was different from that outside.


Qiao Yi was startled by the sudden sound. He looked towards the dark ground and saw that the dark mass was none other than Hei Ye.

"Master Hei! You'll scare people to death if you make such a sudden noise!"

"呲呲~" You can't see me even if I don't say anything!

Seeing that it was about to crawl on him again, Qiao Yi quickly stopped him and said, "Hey, wait a minute! No need to be a fool, I'll take you to a good place!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch, which read 5:45 pm. Then he reached out and touched Master Hei's body and brought it directly into the space.

It was the first time he brought something into the space. Qiao Yi felt very good. He looked at the time and saw that it was 5:45 and it had advanced in seconds.

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