Chapter 44 With Mr. Hei here, you are saved

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As for the small building, Cai Jincheng divided his superpowers into three echelons, taking turns to intercept the mutated rats. Those who retreated took the time to absorb the crystal cores, replenish their superpowers, and at least have a chance to breathe.

At this time, the number of mutant rats was obviously much smaller. Chen Younian stepped down from one echelon and came to Cai Jincheng. He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Cai, there don't seem to be many mutant rats coming from the east, but the ones gathered in front of me seem to have suffered. It's so stimulating that you can't drive them away after killing them, so our resistance has been greatly reduced!"

Cai Jincheng's face turned deadly dark, and he looked back at the small building behind him. There were so many living people hiding here. These mutated mice, which feed on flesh and blood, had already smelled the delicious food. How could they give up?

"Tell the brothers to hold on!"

What else can be done? Grit your teeth and hold on!

In the small building, the fire that had been lit had been extinguished long ago. The room was dark, and only the shadowy figures crowded together in the room could be seen through the faint moonlight.

Mrs. Ma and Ma San were frightened by the sudden rush of people. They still haven't figured out what happened. They only know that these people found something to seal the doors and windows as soon as they came in. The upstairs and downstairs were full at once. If you meet someone, you must have encountered something extraordinary.

Seeing that everyone was holding their breath and listening to what was going on outside, Mrs. Ma was too shrewd to say anything, but she was extremely nervous inside. There was thunder and lightning and fire outside, and she was the one who heard the chirping mouse. Rural people are very familiar with it. Oh my God, what did these people bring here? They are so unlucky!

Zhang Shumian had been looking at the situation outside through a small hole in the window. When he saw a tall and handsome soldier suddenly appeared to protect Qiao Yi, and finally took Qiao Yi away safely, he almost broke his silver teeth with hatred. , How come this person is so lucky! They are still in dire straits here! Comparing people to each other is so annoying!

"It seems there are still a lot of them. Can they stop them?" someone asked softly in the darkness.

"They are all superpowers, so it should be possible!" In the minds of ordinary people, superpowers are almost omnipotent, and it should be no problem to deal with mutant rats!

"But there are too many mutant rats, why don't we go out and help too!"

"You're stupid. You're not a superpower, so why don't you go out and cause trouble? You're going to get superpowers!"

"Hey, that's right, forget it, I hope they can hold on! God bless! We will be arriving in City B soon!"

As the only superpower here, Zhang Shumian listened to their discussion and unconsciously took a step towards the shadow by the wall. He is a water superpower and has no fighting power. There is no use in going out, and he has to protect him. Where are my mother and aunt? Why are these people so arrogant?

"Brother Jincheng, please hurry up and drive away all the mutated rats!" Zhang Shumian muttered to himself.

The fire burning outside the building gradually extinguished, and the isolation trench dug by the earth-type superpowers was gradually filled with burnt rat corpses. All superpowers had to go into battle together again.

When the line of fire is gone, they go up on their own, using their superpowers if they have them, and wielding all available weapons if their superpowers are exhausted!

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