Chapter 73 Arriving at Fengyang

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Su Yue and Yang Lidong couldn't help but look at each other, almost paying tribute to Sun Feifei with tears of gratitude!

While they were talking, their car hurriedly turned around, honking all the way back along the way they came. This time they didn't even need to ask for instructions, they just returned to the highway and headed straight for Fengyang!

Yang Lidong looked back at Sun Feifei and reminded her: "If you go this way, you will go to Fengyang!"

Sun Feifei nodded firmly: "Yes, you have to go to Fengyang! That's the closest!"

Yang Lidong felt relieved. Does this count as 100% voluntary decision to go to Fengyang?

What Sun Feifei didn't know was that out of sight of their car, the gray car drove back to the same place. Two people got out of the car, with red blood on their heads and faces, but there was no trace of it. influence their actions.

I saw one of them bending down and touching the weasel body lying on the ground with one hand. The weasel disappeared in an instant. After collecting the mutated weasel that had just fallen to the ground, he took out a rag from his pocket and randomly After wiping his face a few times, his true face was revealed.

The other person was wiping the blood on his face and teasing him: "Okay, Fugui! I didn't expect you to be quite good at acting!"

Chen Fugui clapped his hands and smiled innocently, feeling embarrassed when he said: "I thought I would reveal my secret, but luckily I didn't have to communicate with them, I finally got over it!"

The man smiled and added: "Those mutant weasels are also very good at acting!" Acting in his true colors!

In the business car that changed from the front to the rear, Xiao Huaizhou drove calmly.

Just now, he was very generous to Yang Lidong and cooperated with him in such a scene.

Qiao Yi rested his elbow on the car window, scratched his chin with his fingers, and smiled, "Don't mention it, Adjutant Yang is still a strategist!"

"What a waste of time!" Xiao Huaizhou snorted disdainfully. This back and forth was time-consuming and fuel-intensive. If he were to give a score, he would give it an eighty-point score at most!

"Close the car window! The temperature is starting to drop!" He then warned Qiao Yi, and then glanced at him again, "Put on another coat!"

Along the way, it was getting late, and when it got completely dark, the temperature dropped even faster.

"It's okay! I don't feel cold!" Qiao Yi responded lazily. He originally wanted to leave it at that, but when he caught a glimpse of his third brother's slanting eyes, he obediently retracted his elbows and lowered the window.

Seeing this, Xiao Liu behind him quickly closed the windows on both sides. Then after thinking about it, he took out two coats from the backpack at his feet, one to cover Li Bowen, and the other to put on himself.

Li Bowen, who was on the side, laughed secretly when he saw his little actions. Boy, the Third Young Master was afraid that Young Master Qiao would catch a cold. What did you say you were busy with?

The rest of the journey was smooth, and when we arrived outside the gate of Fengyang Base, there was still the afterglow over there.

The convoy consciously moved to a temporary camp where many vehicles had been parked.

While Li Bowen asked Xiao Liu to wipe something on his face, he reminded Xiao Huaizhou: "By the way, vehicles like ours that come into the city temporarily for business are not allowed to drive in. They must be registered and fixed vehicles." If you live in a certain place and have a points card, you can take your points card to the vehicle management office to apply for a vehicle pass."

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