Chapter 48 Sharing Space Secrets

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Qiao Yi quickly left the orchard. Needless to say, Huang Chenggang's ending would not be better than falling into a pile of zombies. The path Xiao Huaizhou chose for him was perfect.

The person who directly killed him in the previous life finally got his retribution in this life. This seemed to be faster and simpler than he originally expected!

He only moved his mouth during the whole process. Hei Ye and Xiao Huaizhou did everything else for him, but he was unable to kill his enemy with his own hands. Should this be gratifying or a pity?

Xiao Huaizhou looked at him and breathed a sigh of relief, but also smiled to himself with his sometimes troubled expression. What was this kid thinking about?

"What? Not satisfied, or still unresolved?"

Qiao Yi smacked his lips, thought for a moment and said, "I'm satisfied, and of course it's a relief! But it just seems too easy. All my brains were wasted, none of them were used!"

Xiao Huaizhou chuckled and said: "Why can't you use it? Isn't there another one named Zhang Shumian? Don't worry, I'll let you use it sooner or later. When you have nothing to do, you can think of more ideas and pick your favorite. It’s useful!”

As for the mastermind behind the scenes that Huang Chenggang repeatedly pointed out, Xiao Huaizhou kept it firmly in his heart. If he dared to be jealous of Xiao Yi, who had assassinated him, he would only die a worse death!

Qiao Yi felt his teeth and hands itching when he thought of Zhang Shumian's mean and aggressive manner, and secretly prayed that he would fall into his hands as soon as possible!

So he nodded sharply: "Well, you really need to think about it carefully!"

Xiao Huaizhou confirmed with him again: "Is this Zhang Shumian the boy who slandered you in public before?"

"That's right, it's him, a little white lotus. Cai Jincheng usually treasures it very much!" Qiao Yi curled his lips and said with great disdain.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Huaizhou couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his furry head. Wen Yan said, "Okay, third brother, remember, I won't let him be proud for too long, don't worry!"

Of course, Xiao Huaizhou is very sure that Zhang Shumian is no better off at this moment. His superpower can sometimes kill people invisible. It's just that he didn't know the truth just now and didn't kill him. But it doesn't matter, since he knows Knowing that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, it was only a matter of time before he paid the price.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark again, Qiao Yi sighed silently. He had not closed his eyes all night again. It was not easy for him to get a solid sleep.

Thinking of this, he felt sleepy coming all the time, and his eyelids became heavy.

Shaking his head, he looked at Xiao Huaizhou and asked, "Third brother, where are we going?"

Seeing that his eyelids were drooping, Xiao Huaizhou said thoughtfully: "How about we find a place to rest first? We haven't slept all night, so we are tired!"

Qiao Yi was eager to catch up on his sleep first, so he didn't let Xiao Huaizhou waste his time looking for a place. He simply nodded: "Yeah, sleep! Come on, I'll take you somewhere to catch up on your sleep!"

As he spoke, he was about to pull Xiao Huaizhou's arm, but he interrupted him gently, "Wait a moment!"

After saying that, Xiao Huaizhou took out a slender cylinder from his pocket. He gently pushed open the top cover and raised it high into the air. Then he pressed his thumb and a very bright firework burst out. Go out and bloom high in the sky!

Qiao Yi looked at the bright light and said in surprise: "This is a signal!"

Xiao Huaizhou nodded gently: "Yes, this is a signal flare specially made by the military for people who go out to hunt zombies at night. It is very practical!"

"Who are you sending the signal to? Your people?" Qiao Yi didn't have the chance to ask him why his third brother suddenly appeared, and he was alone. Now it seems that he has left the team!

"Well, my people, they were too slow, so I came here alone!" Xiao Huaizhou said calmly, but there was still a bit of disgust in his eyes. Now that I think about it, it's thanks to him that he didn't follow. Let’s drive together with our own convoy, otherwise we don’t know what will happen to Qiao Yi?

Qiao Yi understood. His third brother disliked his slow speed and left him behind. Being able to fly was amazing!

"Then where are they now? They shouldn't be on the road this night!"

Xiao Huaizhou raised his eyebrows and thought for a moment: "No, they are sensible, don't worry about it, they will be here after dawn. Let's take a rest first, otherwise we won't be able to endure it!"

"Okay." Qiao Yi was naturally happy, and then he grabbed Xiao Huaizhou and entered the space together with a thought.

When he raised his eyes again, the two of them were stepping on the grass in the space. It was soft and comfortable under their feet. Qiao Yi sat down on the ground, pointed the space to Xiao Huaizhou openly, and said proudly: "Third brother, this is my space, how about it? It's big enough!"

Xiao Huaizhou, who has always been calm, was really surprised for a moment this time. He has two space superpowers at his disposal. Their superpowers can at most store and withdraw materials, keep things fresh, and so on. The sizes of spaces are different. Upgrade by absorbing crystal cores.

And among the space superpowers he has heard of so far, no one can freely enter and exit his own space. Having said that, those spaces cannot store living things.

The space that belonged to Qiao Yi in front of him was obviously different. The sun, sky, five-color land, and the green grass under his feet were all real and believable. Moreover, they could breathe and talk easily here. It was like a parallel space. , existing independently in the original world, it is really magical!

"Third brother, have you seen the place where weasels are stacked in front of you? That is a special storage space. Time stands still and stays fresh forever!" Qiao Yi pointed to the storage place and introduced it, then said with a headache. : "Hey, these weasels are really an eyesore! I have to find a way to replace them with materials or crystal cores as soon as possible!"

Xiao Huaizhou followed his finger and looked over. The venue seemed small, but there seemed to be no end in sight. A black business car suddenly stopped in the middle, with some clothes, bedding and other supplies scattered beside it. It seemed that it was Qiao Yi. All belongings.

On a piece of ground slightly close to the grass, there were a large pile of transparent and bright first-order crystal nuclei, followed by a small pile of light yellow second-order crystal nuclei and light pink third-order crystals. core and a handful of colorful third-level superpower crystal cores.

Xiao Huaizhou was secretly speechless. No wonder this kid kept claiming that he had a crystal core. He was really not exaggerating. Facing such a huge fortune, even he felt ashamed!

Looking further away, we can see the mutated weasels that give Qiao Yi a headache. Many of them are grinning and their skin is torn. It is really unsightly to look at it like this, and it should be dealt with as soon as possible!

After thinking for a moment, he came up with an idea and said, "These mutated weasels are not a problem. They can be sold to the military. You decide the price. It's up to you whether you want to exchange them for supplies or crystal cores. How about it?"

The fur, bones and flesh of these weasels are useful, and the more the better for the Armament Department, which is exactly what Qiao Yi wants. Everyone can get what they need, so there's nothing better.

However, why didn’t the cargo owner respond to such a good arrangement?

Xiao Huaizhou looked back and couldn't help but smile. At this moment, the little rich man was lying on his back and fell asleep...

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