Chapter 13 Only Qiao Yi knows the answer

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Office of the captain of the R City Industrial Park Base Guard Team.

Cai Jincheng stood by the window, with many cigarette butts scattered in the ashtray at hand. The cigarettes he hadn't touched for a long time seemed to be unable to brake once he broke the habit.

"Dong dong~" Someone knocked on the door.


Soon, the door was pushed open, and Huang Chenggang timidly poked his head in and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Cai, are you looking for me?"

On the way back, Cai Jincheng asked him about what happened that night, and asked him whether he woke Qiao Yi? Ask him why Qiao Yi didn't get in the car? It made him exhausted physically and mentally, and he almost broke through the defense and told the truth. Although he guessed that he would be questioned when he returned to the base, he didn't expect it to be so fast. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to take a breath!

Cai Jincheng turned to look at him and said coldly: "Come in and talk!"

"Yes." Huang Chenggang responded in a low voice, closed the door, and only took two steps forward before stopping.

"Mr. Cai, what are your orders?" Huang Chenggang's face was expressionless, and his heart began to beat. Something was wrong with Mr. Cai!

"I've given you several opportunities before," Cai Jincheng said solemnly, "I'll give you the last chance today!"

Huang Chenggang was a little confused: "Mr. Cai, you...what do you mean?"

Cai Jincheng didn't waste any time and asked directly: "I'll give you one last chance. Tell me! Did Qiao Yi get in the car? Did you wake him up that night?"

As soon as Huang Cheng finished listening, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. Sure enough, he still asked about it, but he looked a little helpless and sad. He explained with a grimace: "Mr. Cai, what I said is the truth, you have to believe me! "

"I woke him up at that time and asked him to follow me. The pickup truck was full of superpowers who wanted to fight, so I asked him to go directly to car No. 3!" Huang Chenggang saw that he had no reaction, and continued: "He was in a daze at the time. It’s so confusing, who knows if he got on and off again, or if he didn’t get on the bus at all?”

Cai Jincheng frowned, stared at him, and motioned for him to continue.

Huang Chenggang swallowed unconsciously and continued: "The situation was so urgent at the time. I got in the passenger seat and we set off directly. The car was packed with people, and I didn't even notice whether he was there or not. I didn’t know until...until I escaped the zombie wave and got out of the car..."

He suddenly stopped talking, pursed his lips and watched as Cai Jincheng came to him in two steps. His first reaction was to step back, but before he could react, Cai Jincheng grabbed his throat.

"Cai...Mr. Cai?" In just a moment, he couldn't breathe. He could only hold back his blush, blinking and looking at Cai Jincheng, cursing Zhang Shumian in his heart for why he couldn't come yet! Someone was sent to notify him before he came!

"Can you still be confused when it's a life-and-death situation?" Cai Jincheng stared at him, his voice sounding like it was tempered with ice, so cold that it was scary!

"Uh... Cai..." Huang Chenggang felt that he was about to die!

Cai Jincheng did not let up at all, and continued: "Has anyone reminded you? Your words are almost exactly the same every time. You didn't memorize them deliberately, right?"

"..." I don't know whether he was suppressed or frightened. As soon as Huang Cheng heard this, his body trembled violently. Did Mr. Cai already know? Only he and Zhang Shumian knew that these words were jointly prepared by the two of them in private. It would be too wrong to say more, so he tried not to make any changes every time he said it. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a loophole!

"Cai...Mr. Cai...please..." Huang Chenggang couldn't think about that much anymore. The most important thing was to beg for mercy and survive first.

"Brother Jincheng~"

At this moment, a cry broke the tense and dangerous atmosphere, and his throat was suddenly freed from the restraint. A sudden breath of air made Huang Chenggang choke and cough. He was a little glad that this book of sleep came in time!

Zhang Shumian seemed to be a little stunned. He didn't know where to put his hand when pushing the door. He glanced at Huang Chenggang, then looked at Cai Jincheng in awe, and asked weakly: "Brother Jincheng... Did I come at the wrong time? You... What's wrong?"

"Cough...cough..." Huang Chenggang could only take a breath, gave him a secret look, and turned away.

"Nothing? Ask him something. Why are you here?" Cai Jincheng ignored Huang Chenggang and walked directly to Zhang Shumian. He seemed to be frightened just now.

"Oh, aunt has prepared the meal and can't find you. Let me come and look for you!" Zhang Shumian glanced at Huang Chenggang and asked Cai Jincheng cautiously: "Is Brother Jincheng confirming Qiao Yi's affairs with Brother Huang? ?”

Cai Jincheng raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to hold his shoulders and whispered softly: "Shu Mian, do you know something?"

Zhang Shumian put a hand on the back of his hand, looked up at him and said, "Actually, I saw that you have asked Brother Huang several times. You should be asking about Qiao Yi, right?"

"Yes." Cai Jincheng didn't intend to hide it from him, and he wouldn't be surprised if he knew.

Zhang Shumian said with some hesitation: "Actually, that night I... seemed to have seen Qiao Yi come out, and he should have gone to the No. 3 bus."

Cai Jincheng: "Really? Did you see it with your own eyes? He was indeed woken up and went to car No. 3?"

Zhang Shumian frowned, tried hard to recall, and then spoke slowly: "We were all busy arranging for the evacuation at that time, and it was dark. Although I saw someone going to the No. 3 car, I couldn't be 100% sure that it was him. ,but……"

"But what?"

"However, considering that the only ones who came out of the house at that time were Brother Huang and Qiao Yi!" All of them were ready to go at any time, so how could there be anyone running around on the ground.

"It makes sense..." Cai Jincheng murmured. He was also sure that there were no more people on the ground at that time, except Huang Chenggang and Qiao Yi. So how could he not get on the bus in the end?

"As for why Qiao Yi didn't get in the car in the end, could it be because..." Zhang Shumian bit his lower lip and gently patted Cai Jincheng's big hand on his shoulder. He pinched himself.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I must have hurt you!" Cai Jincheng hurriedly let go of his hand and looked at him apologetically.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt." Zhang Shumian comforted him softly.

Cai Jincheng: "You just said why he didn't get in the car?"

Zhang Shumian glanced at him with a bit of resentment before speaking: "Could it be that he wanted to find you, so he got out of the car? Or he didn't get in the car at all and turned around to find you, but he didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that we would start quickly. He set off and no one noticed him!”

"..." Cai Jincheng was silent. Thinking about it, among these people, he is the only one who can take care of an ordinary person like him. It seems reasonable for Qiao Yi to go to him in a critical moment, but this reason still sounds very far-fetched. After all, as long as You will always be found if you cry out for help, right? But who can say for sure!

Huang Chenggang, who had finally calmed down on the side, interrupted with a loud voice: "It's really possible, Mr. Cai. When he came out, he asked me several times where you were?"

After hearing this, Cai Jincheng was stunned for a long time. He couldn't tell what it felt like and what was the reason? Perhaps only Qiao Yi knew the answer. Qiao Yi's weird smile when he jumped off the bridge suddenly flashed in his mind. Was it a mockery of his ruthless abandonment? still……

Zhang Shumian and Huang Chenggang secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, and looked at each other. This matter should be settled!

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