Chapter 165 He killed his own mother

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It was another deep night, everything was as usual, coldness and darkness were still the main themes.

In the Jincheng Superpower Regiment's residence, except for the door posts where there were bright coals and people moving around, the rest of the place fell into a deep sleep.

In a dim corridor of the main building, a disheveled figure was staggering forward, his shaky body appearing and disappearing in the shadows, and the water stains dragged out of the soles of his bare feet glowed with a cold light, and the atmosphere It looks inexplicably weird!

Gulu gulu!


Following her movements were strange sounds, like whimpering and growling!

Snap! I saw her standing in front of a door at the end of the corridor. She seemed to hesitate for a moment. She turned her neck blankly, and then suddenly hit the obstacle in front of her with her forehead!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Again and again! Each impact was not particularly forceful, but it showed a strong attitude that would never give up until the door was opened!

Zhang Shumian, who was sleeping soundly by the charcoal stove, was suddenly awakened. His first reaction was that something unexpected had happened. Someone was banging on the door and calling for someone!

Turning out of bed, he asked loudly: "Who is it? What's wrong?"

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang! Bang bang!

Unexpectedly, when he heard his voice, the sound of banging on the door became more rapid and loud!

"Why are you taking pictures! Here we come!" Qingmeng was startled by being disturbed. Zhang Shumian yelled angrily, complaining in his heart that this was an ignorant person who didn't knock on the door properly and couldn't announce his own door. Are you there?

With a creak, he opened the door to a crack, and with just one glance he asked in surprise: "Mom?"

He didn't have time to light the kerosene lamp, there was only a red fire in the room, but with this light, he still recognized the person at a glance. Wasn't this person with disheveled hair staring straight at him his mother?

Something doesn’t seem right about this look!

"Mom, you..." Before he could ask any more questions, the person outside the door seemed to be stimulated by something. He slammed the door open and rushed in!

The next second, Zhang Shumian clearly saw the hands with long gray nails grabbing at him. Regardless of the shock, he quickly retreated to the other side of the bed, and at the same time shouted for help: " Brother Jincheng! Help! Brother Jincheng! Help!"

"Mom! Mom! How did you become like this?" Zhang Shumian, who had called for help, asked painfully while avoiding the bite of Li Yunxiu, who had turned into a zombie.

He has seen countless zombies, and he can conclude that the mother in front of him has turned into a zombie that no one knows, but why? How could a good person suddenly become infected?

"Shu Mian!"

Zhang Shumian's call for help quickly called for reinforcements. He was secretly confused when Cai Jincheng had already rushed in. He had already heard the banging on the door just now. He was about to come out to check when he heard an exclamation!

Something really happened!

"Watch out for my mom!"


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