Chapter 162 It's time for a big fight

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The incident of stealing crystal cores reminded Qiao Yi that he should not let down his guard even in his own territory. It makes perfect sense not to reveal his wealth!

The reason why people are kicked out of the base without considering the value of those talents is to serve as a warning to everyone else. No matter who you are, you must be careful in your words and deeds. Don't lose your life in the base because of small things. Opportunity!

When the crowd dispersed, Qiao Yi did not leave, but directly started to put away the crystal cores. It was important to clean up the zombies, and the base construction also lacked manpower. It was impossible to arrange for someone to come over and watch these dead things, so he had to do his own thing. alright!

Although those mutated plants are very obedient, they are still prone to accidents and causing unnecessary trouble. With a new hunting ground, they have nothing to do for the time being. They can only wait for him to collect the crystal cores and move them to the designated place!

He sent his third brother to do other things, and woke up the old man himself. Collecting crystal cores was boring. He could make full use of this time. Then let the old man teach him. He had to learn how to do it. To control the black jade, the mental techniques in that secret book must be conquered first!

"Old man, you see I'm busy with my hands and feet, so just tell me what's written in the mental method, just once!"

While Qiao Yi kept collecting the crystal cores, he coaxed Shan Lao who was lying on the pile of crystal cores and yawning non-stop. He looked very unhappy because he hadn't woken up!

But compared to those crawling words, no matter how unhappy the old man was, he felt comfortable reading them!

"Boy, there doesn't seem to be much in that mental method, but when you actually say it, it's a long speech. Can you just confirm it once?"

Shan Lao raised his hands and stretched, looking at him with squinted eyes. He kicked the soles of his feet so much that the crystal cores rolled down the slope.

"Tell me, you have to try it first if it works! I can't remember how many times you have to tell me, can't you? Are you serious? If I say it once, you will do it again. Don't be too obedient!"

Qiao Yi lowered his head and urged him. He had a good memory, but since he was purified by black jade last time, his physical and mental strength have become extremely good!

He felt that his memory had also been greatly improved, so it was time to give it a try!

"You brat, you know it's not that simple! Then I'll tell you the main idea first, and you listen carefully!"

Knowing that he was pressed for time, Shan Lao did not hesitate, put his hands behind his head, closed his eyes and began to recite the secret content of the secret book. The earlier he taught him, he would be able to sleep peacefully earlier!

In this way, the two of them explained the mental method leisurely, and the other used his hands and brain to memorize the mental method while collecting the crystal cores. They also discussed a few words from time to time. Time passed so quickly!

As everyone knows, Qiao Yi's ability is really beyond his and Shan Lao's imagination. He can already remember it once and for all. After putting those thoughts into a language he understands, they are deeply imprinted just once, like a knife or an axe. In my mind, all that’s left is to slowly understand and try it!

And after memorizing the mental method, Qiao Yi realized that the fastest and most effective improvement was in controlling space. Perhaps it was directly related to what he was doing, and collecting crystal cores became much simpler and easier in an instant. !

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