Chapter 5 The Origin of Black Jade

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Qiao Yi looked up and down at Shan Lao. He had white hair, long beard, and white robe. He was dressed in an old-fashioned way, but no matter how he looked, he looked like a completely different person!

Unbelieving, he moved forward and pinched his arm. It was fleshy, it was real!

Shan Lao let him check it with his hands and feet, and then he chuckled and said: "It's just a little magic, nothing difficult."

Qiao Yi clicked his tongue in surprise and got to the point: "Then it's because of you that I'm reborn, right?"

Shan Lao nodded: "It can be considered a coincidence. Before you died in your last life, you had a blood contract with Black Jade. If you die, Black Jade will be destroyed. I guard the mountain to guard the jade. In order to guard the jade, I can only Help you to be reborn.”

Qiao Yi: ...I really borrowed a lot of light.

"So, kid, you don't need to be too grateful to me." Shan Lao added in a timely manner.

Qiao Yi: ...This old man is a bit pretentious.

Thoughts abounded. After a long while, Qiao Yi gritted his teeth and said speechlessly: "Help me be reborn until I die?" I can't get over this hurdle! No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are deliberately trying to mess with him. There is no time to prepare for it!

"Ahem~" After listening to Qiao Yi's words, Shan Lao couldn't help coughing a few times, and said slightly embarrassed: "Well... you can't blame me. After all, you have been sleeping for too long and have neglected your cultivation! Besides, I will send you back. A few hours before my death, I had already used up a lot of my mana."

Qiao Yi was speechless for a moment. After all, he helped him, but it was a little unreasonable to be rude and unforgiving, so he changed the topic to the black jade: "Then what is going on with this black jade? Why do you need to set up a formation to protect it?" ?”

"Well, it's a long story!" Shan Lao tugged up the beard on his legs, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was lost in long-lasting memories, and after a while he spoke again: "Thousands of years Before, a flying stone from the sky fell here, and the energy was scattered, causing the spiritual power of this place to grow wildly for a while, and all things evolved, whether it was flowers, plants, trees, birds and animals, or mountains, rocks, and rivers, they all yearned for and relied on this energy, and I am the consciousness born from this desire!"

Qiao Yi almost dropped his jaw, the more he listened, the more fantasy it became! He put his fingers into his mouth and bit hard, "Hiss~, it hurts!" I'm sure it wasn't a dream, could it be the sequelae of rebirth?

When Shan Lao saw this, he was very speechless and gave him a slap in the face, "You brat, I thought I was just making up stories to entertain you when I have nothing to do!"

"Ouch! It hurts!" Qiao Yi covered his head and cried out in pain, then glared at him, "A gentleman talks but never strikes!"

Shan Lao sneered: "You know how to use your mouth!" He bit himself quite smoothly.

Qiao Yi pursed his lips and spoke slowly: "Although it hurts, I still feel that all of this is a dream. Rebirth is a dream, being abandoned is a dream, jumping into the river is a dream, and seeing you here is also a dream! What a dream It’s such a big dream that I can’t even wake up from!” After saying that, he looked at Shan Lao with burning eyes, doubts in his eyes overflowing without reservation. He wanted to wake up from the illusion, and he wanted to truly see what was before him. world, he even thought that it would be nice if the end of the world was also a dream.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a moment... and all he could hear was his rapid breathing.

"Tick tock~" Another drop of water fell into the small pool, making a clear sound.

After a long time, Shan Lao sighed, shook his head slightly, and suddenly disappeared in front of him. But before Qiao Yi could react, he appeared again, holding half a bowl of water in his hand, and handed it to him, saying softly. Said: "Drink some water and wake up!"

The previous doubts in Qiao Yi's eyes turned into shock at this moment. He took the bowl blankly, as if he had made up his mind, picked up the bowl and drank it down.

"Gudong~ Gudong~" The water was clean and the bowl was clean. "Ah~" Qiao Yi let out a pleasant sigh. The water was cool in the mouth and extremely sweet. After half a bowl, the whole person felt much more relaxed and his mind was much clearer.

Shan Lao asked him: "How do you feel?"

Qiao Yi answered honestly: "Not bad."

Shan Lao asked again: "Can you wake up?"

Qiao Yi smiled bitterly: "I am obsessed, life is like a dream, true and false, you should live in the present moment!"

"Well, not bad." Mr. Shan nodded appreciatively, "I hope you can figure it out."

Putting down the water bowl, Qiao Yi thought for a moment and then asked: "Listening to what you said, this black jade is a rare treasure. Why was it lost later?"

Shan Lao glanced at him, frowned, and replied: "That's the point. It's precisely because it's a rare treasure that it attracts the covetousness of many outsiders. Even if I set up a magic circle, it won't be the same for me." The disputes have never stopped."

"It wasn't until more than a thousand years ago that a group of very powerful people came here."


"I don't know. I only know that some of them know magic circles and are very powerful. I struggled for several years, but finally they found an opportunity and broke in!"

"Then what happened next?" Qiao Yi was fascinated and more curious about the subsequent development. Why did this black jade end up in the antique market?

"Later," Shan Lao suddenly stopped and looked directly at him: "Aren't you curious about what spells those people know?"

After hearing this, Qiao Yi waved his hands indifferently, "I haven't seen any superpowers in the apocalypse. It's not surprising that I can do some strange spells. Can you tell me what happened next?"

"..." Shan Lao glanced at him speechlessly before continuing: "Later, I was knocked out of consciousness, the protective circle was closed, and they got the black jade."

"Is this the end!?"

"Of course not," Shan Lao showed a proud smile and continued: "I used my last divine consciousness to seal the black jade, so that's why!"

"So what?" Qiao Yi was speechless, please don't be too pretentious here!

"So even if they succeed, what they get is just an ordinary piece of jade!"

Qiao Yi was so surprised that he could still operate like this. "According to what you said, wouldn't their work have been in vain?"

Shan Lao pursed his lips and nodded: "Maybe, my consciousness was damaged and I fell asleep all the time. What happened to those people? How this black jade got into your hands, I don't know."

After Shan Lao finished speaking, the two of them were speechless for a moment. Qiao Yi held the black jade in his hand and looked at it carefully. The lines on it were strange and had not been worn out at all after thousands of years of twists and turns. They were still clearly visible and were truly extraordinary. At that time, he bought it just because he thought the pattern looked good. Thinking about it now, he was really lucky. If it weren't for it, he would never have lived to witness such a legend!

Thinking of something, he reached out and picked off the black jade. He had saved him once. It was a great kindness. He could no longer keep this thing as his own. It should be returned to its original owner.

"Then this black jade..." Before he could say the word "you", he was stunned. Hey, where is the person? Gone!

Crash, clatter! Suddenly there was a sound of water. Qiao Yi looked up, his eyes almost bulging out, and he shouted out in disbelief: "Hey! Old man, what are you... doing!?"

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