Chapter 69 Preparation

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Seeing that noon was about to pass and there were still many things to prepare for, the four of them didn't waste much time and returned after the handover.

Xiao Huaizhou, who was in a good mood, generously let Yang Lidong and Chen Fugui get into the car. The original three-minute drive seemed to be shortened a bit. When everyone else returned to the front room, Chen Fugui had not yet reacted. After finally taking a ride in the car driven by the boss, before I had time to retract my grin, I was already at the place!

After smacking his teeth up and down, Chen Fugui managed to regain his expression and patted his thigh with both hands. It was worth it! Although the things are gone, the three young masters may be allowed to be the driver for nothing, even if it is just for a second, it will be worth it!

After thinking this, he decisively got out of the car, and then walked into the front room boldly and high-spirited. After a quick search, his eyes finally fell on Bai Xiangzong, who was taking a nap against the wall with his eyes closed.

After thinking for a while, Chen Fugui strode up to him and suddenly squatted down, staring straight at Bai Xiangzong without saying a word!

Bai Xiangzong was startled by the sudden approach. He opened his eyes suddenly and frowned at him for a moment before asking in confusion: "What are you doing? Is something wrong?"

I saw Chen Fugui's big eyes shining with a strong desire for knowledge, and then he asked very seriously: "Brother Bai, can you tell me how you quickly broke through the third level?"

After what happened just now, Chen Fugui realized deeply that if he wanted to keep what he liked, he had to improve his abilities and expand his space, otherwise he would really be embarrassed to death!

Although his sleep was disturbed, Bai Xiangzong was good-tempered and didn't care. Instead, he enthusiastically gave his own advice: "If you want to break through quickly, just do two things!"

"Ah? Which two points?"

Bai Xiangzong's back slowly moved away from the wall he was leaning against, he sat up slightly, looked straight at him and said: "The first point is good talent, the second point is to have enough crystal nuclei Cultivate super powers! Think for yourself!"

After hearing what he said, Chen Fugui clapped his hands and said, "I understand! Enough crystal nuclei! I understand, thank you Brother Bai for your guidance!"

In this way, Chen Fugui automatically ignored the first point, and with full obsession with the second point, turned around to find their team leader to pre-deposit the crystal core!

Not to mention that he had an unexpected gain from his visit. He had just received today's practice crystal core and turned around to receive a small cloth bag handed over by Yang Lidong.

"Third Young Master said that your space will be of great use in the future, so you should seize the time to improve and don't fall behind at the critical moment. These crystal cores are specially approved for you! Take advantage of it! Don't let Third Young Master down!" Yang Lidong finished. She patted him on the shoulder and went about her business without seeing Chen Fugui's expression of disbelief.

He opened the mouth of the bag and took a look inside. His little heart almost skipped a beat as he saw dozens of second- and third-order crystal nuclei inside!

Does Chen Fugui want to be rich?

Looking at Chen Fugui who was dumbfounded and then grinning, Xiao Huaizhou secretly grinded his teeth, how could he be so promising!

He reached out and turned back Qiao Yi's head, which was also looking at it with interest, and asked softly: "What he has is not worth so many crystal nuclei. Don't you feel bad?" He just glanced at it. There are only five or six third-order crystal cores in it. Chen Fugui may not be able to use them for a while. His Xiao Yi is not very good at living!

"Feeling distressed? How could it be?" Qiao Yi waved his hands with a smile, then looked sideways at his third brother and continued: "He is doing things for you, and he also helped me. It doesn't hurt to give him more! Moreover, If he can quickly improve his abilities if he opens up, he might be able to help a lot at critical moments! Don’t you think so?"

"Then why didn't you just say it was from you?" Qiao Yi was only responsible for paying, leaving all the matters of winning people's hearts to him. Xiao Huaizhou always felt that Qiao Yi was a bit at a disadvantage.

"Oh! If I gave it to him, he would definitely be embarrassed to take it! But you are different. He is your soldier. If you treat him better now and give him more expectations, he will only be more sincere to you. For you, for the special forces, and for himself, he will only work harder to improve his abilities. The future of space abilities is limitless! It’s so precious!” Qiao Yi kept talking, and then added in a non-confrontational way. One sentence: "Besides, don't I have a lot here? Not bad at all!"

What else could Xiao Huaizhou say? His family, Xiao Yi, was always planning for him, and his heart was already so soft! It doesn't matter! For everything Xiao Yi has done for him, sooner or later he will compensate him twice as much!

Soon, Qiao Yi was brought back to the exclusive area where he didn't sit down for a while by his third brother. While drinking water, he listened to Xiao Huaizhou arrange tasks with Yang Lidong and Su Yue.

"First of all, this trip to Fengyang is quite sensitive. Everyone is asked to change into casual clothes before departure. When questioned, they say that we are a privately formed superpower group and we went there to exchange supplies on the way!"

Yang Lidong agreed first, and then asked: "Then shall all of us follow into the city? After all, there are many people and we should not attract too much attention!"

Xiao Huaizhou frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, asked: "How are the materials or crystal cores paid when entering the city calculated?"

When Su Yue heard this, he quickly replied: "I asked Li Bowen before. Calculated per head, two kilograms of grain or ten first-order crystal cores. Just go into the city and take care of the rest. If you need other supplies, it depends on the situation!"

"Ten?" Xiao Huaizhou muttered silently. He had already realized the importance of money, so the calculations in his mind were rattling. He quickly came to a conclusion and said: "There is no need to go in. , you take Luo Junjie with us into the city, and Su Yue will be in charge of the others, waiting at the temporary camping spot outside the city!"

Yang Lidong was a little surprised. There were thirty-six of them in total, and they couldn't even cut off a fraction at this time. There was no need to be so concise when he said it wouldn't attract attention!

Thinking of this, he quickly said, "Third Young Master, are there just a few of us? If anything happens, we won't be able to support you!"

"It's okay. We'd better try not to alert others this time. The fewer people there, the better. If anything happens, let Luo Junjie report to the city!" Xiao Huaizhou quickly explained, then he looked at Su Yue and ordered: "Remember! Then This is someone else's territory, don't act rashly, arrange patrols and guards at night, only keep some temporary supplies in the car, and let Bai Xiangzong put away the rest!"

Su Yue immediately nodded in agreement, and then asked another question: "When you go to perform surgery on Li Bowen, don't you need to bring Sun Feifei with you? If you take her with you, Li Bowen can get better faster!"

Xiao Huaizhou spoke without any hesitation: "No, just keep an eye on her, you know?"

Su Yue did not respond and hurriedly replied: "Understood!"

At this moment, Yang Lidong asked another question. He glanced at Sun Feifei, and then asked in a low voice: "Third Young Master, what did Sun Feifei say?" They themselves knew what was going on, but On the surface, we still can't show off our flaws and change the route directly to Fengyang. There must be a justifiable reason.

Just as he was eagerly waiting for instructions from their boss, he saw Xiao Huaizhou turning his head, staring at him with cold eyes and asked: "What do you think? My Adjutant Yang!"

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