Chapter 83 Young Master Bing and Young Master Bing Qiao

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Li Bowen's surgery was successful. While he was staying in the hospital for observation, Xiao Huaizhou took Qiao Yi and Yang Lidong to the material exchange office in Fengyang City and exchanged a lot of food.

When he saw that there was rice and flour inside that could be redeemed, Mr. Qiao wished he could buy them all. Unfortunately, such good things were limited, and he had nowhere to spend them!

Xiao Huaizhou originally wanted to stop him, but after all, he went to Rongan, where there were so many!

Seeing Qiao Yi's high spirits, he couldn't bear to ruin his enthusiasm for consumption. If Xiao Yi wanted it, then just change it!

So he exchanged his quota for fifty kilograms each of rice and flour, then sent Yang Lidong and Luo Junjie to exchange their respective shares, and then gave them all to Qiao Yi to keep!

I am so happy that Qiao Yi has never hidden his white teeth!

Yang Lidong, who was still in pain at first, immediately became happy as soon as he got the crystal cores that Qiao Yi supplied him. The crystal cores he brought carefully and carefully were not used to exchange for these fine grains. Rough guys like them are best suited to take charge of the food. I’m hungry for compressed biscuits!

After coming out of the exchange office, they went to the retail market to search around. It was very similar to the rural market before the apocalypse. Clothing, shoes, hats, and general merchandise were all available.

Qiao Yi pointed out which one he wanted, and kept taking out the crystal cores from his bag. Yang Lidong was frightened. Is Mr. Qiao planning to open a supermarket?

After shopping for most of the day, they stayed in the city for another night, firstly to give Li Bowen some more time to observe and recover, and secondly because Xiao Huaizhou was thinking about buying more of Qiao Yi's favorite vegetable buns.

So, while asking for hot water that night, Xiao Huaizhou stuffed a lot of crystal cores into his uncle's hands and asked him to help him buy vegetable buns. Buy as many as he could, the more the better!

So the next morning, Qiao Yi was so excited when he saw the pile of steaming vegetable buns that he rushed over and gave his third brother a big hug!

Xiao Huaizhou felt a little regretful after the joy in his heart. He shouldn't just buy the same thing. If he bought a few more of Xiaoyi's favorite foods, wouldn't it be more than just a hug?

When the city gate opened, the five of them left the city. When passing by the registration office, Luo Junjie touched his back pocket with regret. He didn't see Liu Jiayu. If he saw it, he might be able to get him to fill it up. Sign, he’s not willing to use that magazine cover yet!

As soon as they returned to the temporary camp, Sun Feifei hurriedly came forward regardless of Su Yue's obstruction. Su Yue kept winking at Yang Lidong from behind. He couldn't fool this aunt anymore!

Yang Lidong had such a tacit understanding that he pushed Li Bowen to Sun Feifei and said loudly: "Old Li, look at it! As soon as you came back, our Feifei rushed over to heal you. Look at this realization. ! No wonder the Third Young Master wants to keep her at all costs!"

Sun Feifei: ...She didn't come for them just now, so why did she almost run into Li Bowen's arms? Also, what’s the point of her having that consciousness? Can Xiao Huaizhou be allowed to take him with him wherever he goes?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Yang Lidong was about to go around them to find their boss. He quickly took a step across and blocked their way again. He said with a grateful face: "Feifei! I'll leave it to you, Lao Li. He's The incision is still bleeding. In order to save your brother without delay, he came out as soon as he got off the operating table! He is a kind and righteous person like you! I admire you!"

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