Chapter 8 The waiting news

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The two people who caused the trouble were taken away. From a distance, they could still be heard shouting about soldiers bullying the common people. Xiao Huaizhou listened, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly. Soldiers in the apocalypse are not that simple anymore, they are childish!

The entrance to the city was no longer blocked, and order was quickly restored.

Su Yue asked Xiao Liu to get back to the car first, while he looked at Xiao Huaizhou, lowered his voice and asked for instructions: "Third Young Master, look..."

Xiao Huaizhou glanced around indifferently, and finally his eyes fell on the tightly covered supplies in the truck compartment, and then ordered: "You will lead the team to send the equipment to the second master's laboratory first, and come to the headquarters to find me later."

Hearing this, Su Yue nodded clearly and quickly got into the car.

After watching the truck enter the city gate, Xiao Huaizhou led the team back. As soon as they reached the city gate, they heard two claps of applause coming from above their heads, followed by a sinister male voice: "Our base is famous. The God of War is indeed worthy of his reputation! Whoosh~, he lifted up a car with just a raise of his little hand, that's amazing! Hey, your superpower is at least level three, right? Show us your hands again!"

After hearing this, Xiao Huaizhou glanced lazily up the city gate. It turned out to be Wan Zihao, the only son of Wan Jianxin, the deputy mayor of Department B city government. I was idle and had nothing to do. I had enough time in the city, so I came to the city gate building to watch the excitement. Today I saw him having trouble with his head.

Xiao Huaizhou didn't bother to pay attention to such a person, and coldly said: "It's none of your business!" and left directly.

Who has Wan Zihao ever been treated like this? Who knows his identity, who can't call him Wan Shao politely, who dares not to flatter him or support him? Why is it that every time I meet this person named Xiao, I have to be embarrassed!

Angry and unwilling to give up, he immediately raised his lips and said sarcastically: "Everyone has seen it, these two fathers raised different people, they are very tough!"

Before he finished speaking, the people around him hurriedly retracted their heads and secretly cried out in pain, "Hey, little ancestor, this is no joke!"

Yang Lidong, who was following Xiao Huaizhou, silently lit a candle for Wan Zihao. Who didn't know that the three young masters cared about those two fathers the most and would not tolerate anyone else's slightest comment. This was completely a death-defying rhythm.

After hearing his words, Xiao Huaizhou's eyes dimmed, he stopped, turned around and retreated to where he was.

He raised his head and looked directly at Wan Zihao, and asked quietly: "Want to see me show off my skills again?"

"Huh?" Wan Zihao was a little surprised, the turn seemed to be a bit too fast.

Xiao Huaizhou took off the glove of his right hand calmly and said coldly: "I just lifted the car," he raised his right hand high, "Now he throws people!" As he finished speaking, an invisible force rushed towards Wan. Zihao left.

"Ahhh! What's going on?" When Wan Zihao, who was still out of state, reacted, he had been blown into the air outside the city gate building by a strong wind. The height of more than ten meters was really no joke. , he went crazy all of a sudden, "Ah! Help! Xiao Laosan! You, you dare to throw me! Don't forget who my father is! He will never spare you!"

Xiao Huaizhou sneered: "Oh? Really? You can give it a try!" As he said that, with a shake of his hand, Wan Zihao fell straight down seven or eight meters, and then stopped suddenly, landing on the ground in the blink of an eye.

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