Chapter 180 Let them live worse than death

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Looking at the blue electric light condensed in Cai Jincheng's hand, Chen Younian immediately went limp. He didn't care about the person under him. He immediately got out of bed and knelt down directly at Cai Jincheng's feet with a plop!

"Mr. Cai! Listen to me! Ah!"

With a stabbing sound, a bolt of lightning fell on his back, leaving a hideous burnt scar, which made him scream out in pain.

"Seeing is believing, what else do you want to say? Chen Younian! It's in vain that I trust you so much. I didn't expect that you would even dare to touch my people!"

Cai Jincheng's eyes were like sharp swords, piercing sharply at the man in front of him who was in so much pain that he couldn't straighten his back as he spoke.

"Mr. Cai, that's not the case! It's Mr. Zhang..."

"Don't stop! Brother Chen! I'm cold!"

Zhang Shumian, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, suddenly prayed. The little warmth he finally found suddenly disappeared, and the person on him disappeared. With the noise in his ears, he became more and more anxious. He couldn't stop at this time!

The air seemed to be frozen for a moment, and his eyes fell on the person twisting his body and still asking for it again and again. Cai Jincheng had never thought that he would be so unbearable. The person he always held in his hands was so selfless at this moment. Be warm with other men in this way!

It really made him feel extremely sick!

It turns out that it is such a good method. The dry wood and fierce fire have burned it into the bone marrow. It is strange that it has no effect!

"Zhang, Shu, Mian!"

Cai Jincheng gritted his teeth and called out the man's name, and the electric light in his hand gathered again, and he could chop the person to pieces in minutes.

"Huh?" Zhang Shumian finally heard something in his ears. He tried hard to regain consciousness and turned his head to look at the man in the light and shadow, "Chen Da...ah! Brother Jin, Jincheng!"

He couldn't see the face clearly, but the tall figure and the familiar electric light suddenly burned his nerves. He couldn't care less about the coldness in his heart and suddenly woke up. The person in front of him was his brother Jincheng!

Cai Jincheng had already kicked Chen Younian away and came to the bed. His face was as dark as a demon from hell, and his eyes were almost cannibalistic: "Zhang Shumian! What a good thing you did!"

"Brother Jin, Jincheng! I'm not who you think!" Zhang Shumian got up in a panic, and was immediately enveloped by the surging air-conditioning. He shivered. He immediately grabbed the quilt and surrounded himself, "I'm cold. !'s just too cold!"

After thinking about it, he rushed to Cai Jincheng again, grabbed his collar, pointed at Chen Younian on the ground, and cried bitterly: "It's him! He forced me to do it! I'm too cold! I can't help it... I... Brother Jincheng, believe me! It's not my intention! Really..."

Looking at Zhang Shumian who put all the responsibility on himself, Chen Younian sneered in his heart with disdain. Cai Jincheng was right. He would only believe everything he saw with his own eyes. No matter how much they said, it would be useless.

"Really? You can do this kind of thing if you can't stand the cold. It seems to work well!"

Cai Jincheng said, reaching out and pinching his chin, looking at his face covered with tears, and asked sinisterly: "It seems that he came here like this last night, right?"

"No, it's not..."

Cai Jincheng shook him off, took out the small medicine bag from his pocket and held it up to his eyes, interrupting him in a deep voice: "Since there is such a good prescription, then this medicine is useless!"

"What? Medicine?" Zhang Shumian sat there paralyzed, staring at the medicine bag in his hand, and asked in a trembling voice: "You have already got the medicine? Are you... testing me on purpose?"

"Huh, thank you Mr. Si, otherwise I would have foolishly contributed money and effort to you, and you... this is how you repay me!"

Cai Jincheng felt chilled when he thought of everything he had done for him along the way. All his efforts were really in vain!

In order to consider his feelings at the beginning, he didn't even pay any attention to his fiancé Qiao Yi who came to his door. He was very sincere about their relationship!

"Brother Jincheng, listen to me. It's really a misunderstanding. What you saw is not true..."

Zhang Shumian rushed up to him again and begged him, but he quickly pushed him out. Do you still think he is blind at this time?

"No need to explain anymore! You!" Cai Jincheng turned his attention to Chen Younian again and said coldly: "And you! Get out of my base immediately!"

After saying this, the lightning crackled in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, the small medicine packet turned into powder, turned over in his palm, and floated to the ground. Zhang Shumian no longer deserved to take the medicine he begged for!

From now on, they will be separated and have nothing to do with each other!

One was a close friend, and the other was the person he trusted the most. Faced with such a bloody betrayal, Cai Jincheng wanted to tear them apart and feed them to the zombies. But when he really saw the result, he changed his mind and sent them there instead. Death, it is better to make their life worse than death!

Before dawn, Zhang Shumian, who was wearing tattered and thin clothes, and Chen Younian, who was beaten all over with bruises and was severely disabled, were thrown out of the base gate...

And Xie Chengying also had a sleepless night. In the afternoon, all the irrelevant personnel in the main building were sent away. Although his son gave the reason that there was a mission outside, she still sensed something was wrong. His son was hiding something!

Therefore, she paid close attention to everything after nightfall, especially Zhang Shumian's room. She seemed to be seriously ill, but unexpectedly she kept silent and stayed alone in the room until midnight. .

She originally thought that he had made it through on his own, but just when she felt relieved, she still heard the sound of him leaving the door. He went downstairs and never came back again. Xie Chengying knew very clearly who lived downstairs, deeply. Sighing, I went to find Chen Younian again!

Zhang Shumian is not as strong as she thought!

She was too lazy to care. She couldn't stop people when they were uncomfortable. Wasn't that how they came here before? But just as she fell asleep, there was a noise downstairs. Someone was back!

I quietly went out to take a look, and unexpectedly saw a good show. His son was catching an adulterer!

Zhang Shumian, her son's friend whom she had always been optimistic about, actually flirted with others and completely betrayed his A Cheng! Betrayed the Cai family!

How could someone who usually behaves so well-behaved and docile do such ridiculous things! If Li Yunxiu hadn't died, she would definitely have dragged her along to see the embarrassing things her good son had done!

It was useless for her to think about helping the two of them get married, thinking that she would be the one to take care of the child without its mother!

No way, the more he thinks about it, the angrier he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the more he doesn't deserve it for his son!

There were constant sounds of crying and begging in that room, as well as the screams of Chen Younian being beaten. Xie Chengying was so frightened that he swayed back to his room!

For some reason, she suddenly thought of Qiao Yi. Why was such a good child forced to leave?

Her body shook involuntarily, her vision went dark, and she fell down...

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