Chapter 116 Victory in the first battle

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Li Bowen divided his men into several groups and sneaked into the city. He also divided two teams as planned to keep an eye on the garrison and the research institute. The rest were basically stationed near the city gate, waiting for opportunities.

The weather was hot and no one was walking around the donkey shed. Together with a group of survivors who had just entered the city, they stayed in the arbor under the city wall to escape the heat. It was normal for them to escape the hottest part of the day before entering the city. So it didn't arouse any suspicion.

This is also the time when the city gate guards are most slack. Except for coming out from time to time to handle inspections and releases, they basically hide in the gatehouse and guard box to enjoy the cool and rest, and don't pay too much attention to things outside.

After estimating the movements of the large army, Li Bowen gave his companions a look, indicating that they were ready to take action.

But just as everyone was gearing up to take action, a car suddenly drove out from the city. The car was forced to stop at the city gate.

When the guard heard the noise, he immediately came out to check, but when he saw the people in the car, he cried out helplessly: "Oh! Mr. Fu! Why are you here again? Didn't I tell you? You can't leave the city today!" The sun is shining brightly, where are you going?"

Zhu Yongfu had long known that he would be blocked, so he was not in a hurry. He put his elbow on the car window and spoke boldly: "I'm going out to make a fortune! How dare you stop me? Let me tell you, my brother-in-law will be back soon. , there’s no point in stopping me. If you delay my business, you can’t explain it to him!”

"But the city lord has told me that today is not peaceful, especially Rongan's side. There will probably be trouble. I won't let you go out because I am afraid that you will be in danger. Aren't we doing this for you?"

The guard persuaded in a low voice, with no intention of letting him go. He didn't know why the city lord had to look at his brother-in-law, but the orders were given and he could only carry them out.

"Hey! Why can't you understand? Then let me ask you, is there any news from my brother-in-law?"

"Not yet. The city lord only asked the guards to be on standby at any time. If anything happens, he will immediately send someone to report. I haven't seen anyone come back. I think it's okay!"

"You are really relieved!" Zhu Yongfu curled his lips and said sarcastically, but looked into the distance outside the city gate, and then asked: "Don't you know how to go over and take care of me?"

"Oh, Mr. Fu! Then this is out of my control! But no one has come back. The station has sent out a team of brothers to investigate more than an hour ago. They haven't returned yet, so here and there It takes time, so you might as well wait a little longer, and it won’t be too late to go out and make a fortune after the news from the city lord comes back!”

The guard said earnestly, but he didn't know that the team he was talking about was blocked by Li Bowen who came over. They started fighting as soon as they met. Those people were just running errands to investigate, and they were cleaned up without much effort. .

"I'm waiting for them, but the God of Wealth is not waiting for me! Get out of my way! Otherwise I'll ask someone to deal with you!" Zhu Yongfu slapped the steering wheel fiercely, threatening the little guard fiercely.

The guard glanced at his companions behind him, and then looked toward the city. The city lord's brother-in-law had some people under his command, but they all knew them. Half of them were missing, and they must not have brought them with them. So he was sure that this was the person who was here. It's scary!

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