Chapter 182 Confrontation with Hong Shengbo (1)

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Hong Shengbo had never felt as happy as he did today. He originally wanted to listen to his cousin's arrangement and take a group of people to visit B City first. It didn't matter whether they could get in or not. The main reason was to test the attitude of the Xiao family.

Unexpectedly, he met the Xiao family's team that was out for night hunting halfway along the way. According to his temperament, he was always looking for trouble. Once he met them, he couldn't let them go easily.

Neither party was easy to mess with, and they started fighting whenever they disagreed. What made him even more excited was that among this group of people there was the rare and famous Mr. Xiao, who wanted to slap the Xiao family in the face. Just touch the Xiao family!

The advantage of the fourth level gave him a huge advantage. Xiao Lixun was not only defeated by him, but he also escaped in embarrassment!

It was so enjoyable that before his interest was exhausted, he led his people to follow them to the gate of City B. He could just do whatever he wanted to do next!

It just so happens that there are too many people and there are too many eyes, so it would be perfect for the Xiao family to lose face in an upright manner and show off their majesty as a fourth-level powerhouse!

Unexpectedly, as soon as his provocative words came out of his mouth, he was interrupted by a sudden and cold voice.

"You don't need to take any action from me, I'm enough!"

Why does this tone sound more arrogant than him?

Looking around, I saw a convoy coming up from behind their convoy, a row of standard military trucks, and the people in the car were already waiting with guns and weapons holding a supernatural ball! Oh, he was being attacked from both sides!

What surprised him was that two people suddenly floated up from the sky above the motorcade. They crossed over gracefully and calmly under everyone's shocked eyes, and finally stopped in the open space in front of him!

Hong Shengbo bit his lip and cursed: "Fuck! The third son of the Xiao family! Why is he already at the fourth level!"

As far as he knew, the current third-level wind power users could not yet control the wind and fly. The flying man in front of him had already proved that his level was also above the fourth level. The unique peak superiority he had just found suddenly came to an end* *No more left!

He has met his match! It’s Xiao Huaizhou, the God of War that the Xiao family is proud of!

Seeing the trapeze man landing, Xiao Lixun grinned at the corners of his painful mouth, stepped forward and hugged his son, whom he had not seen for many days, and spoke to him in a low voice: "You brat! I finally know I'm back!"

"Dad! I'm back."

After patting his father's back with his backhand, Xiao Huaizhou carefully looked at the injuries on his body and face, and asked in a cold voice: "Is it all his doing?"

"Yes, this man named Hong is bullying your father for his low rank, which is unbearable. Son! Come on! Beat him until he kneels down and calls me grandpa!"

Xiao Lixun climbed up the pole, and after he complained, he encouraged others to take revenge on him. He should give good instructions to such a big son!

Xiao Huaizhou rolled his eyes in his heart, he wouldn't want a son like this even if I beat him to death!

"Okay! I will definitely ask him to repay you twice as much!"

He complained in his heart, but he still felt sorry for his father. Except for his grandfather who dared to give his father a piece of cake, no one had touched a finger on him. He was hurt like a cat with a painted face. He thought his little dad would probably lose it when he saw it. Tears!

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