Chapter 6 It's time to leave

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Qiao Yi saw with black lines on his head that Shan Lao was sitting on the edge of the small pond, with his feet already soaked in the pond water. He looked very comfortable.

Qiao Yi couldn't help but retched. If he remembered correctly, the half bowl of water that Mr. Shan gave him to drink just now must have come from this pool!

"Ugh~, why are you... vomiting!" Qiao Yi couldn't help but vomited again, covering his mouth and staring at him in embarrassment, "How can you wash your feet in here?"

Shan Lao raised his head and looked at him innocently, "What's wrong with foot washing? When I lived here before, I always bathed and washed my feet here. It's very cool. Do you want to come and wash your feet too? Look how dirty you are. Looks ugly."

"Ouch! Ouch!" After hearing this, Qiao Yi was so disgusted that he doubled over, and did not forget to accuse him: "Then why do you give me a drink?" Foot washing water, although pure water sources are also precious after the apocalypse, water He has also been greatly restricted, but at least he is not so bad that he needs to drink sewage, especially the water for washing his feet!

Shanlao looked at Qiao Yi jokingly and smiled. He stretched out his hand to straighten his gray beard, and then tied it into a knot casually to ensure that they would not fall into the water. Then he raised his hand and pointed at a place diagonally above the small pond and said : "Come and take a look!"

Qiao Yi's face turned red from holding back, and he asked angrily: "What are you looking at?"

Shan Lao teased him mysteriously: "Good stuff, come and see!"

Qiao Yi patiently walked to the edge of the pool, staring at where his hand was pointing without blinking. Just as he was wondering, he heard a "tick" sound, and a bright drop of water fell straight into a bulge above the pool. On the edge of the stone, a drop of water overflowed from the groove, and finally dropped into the small pool below.

"Huh? It turns out the water comes from up here." Qiao Yi seemed to have discovered a new world. He quickly jumped on a stone pier and looked at the stone edge with his feet raised. It turned out that there was a large groove on the stone edge. It is filled with water. If you look above the groove, you will see the high ceiling. Even in poor light, you can't see where the water on it comes from. It just falls drop by drop.

Qiao Yi seemed to feel relieved, lowered his head and asked Shan Lao: "Is this what I drank?"

Shan Lao glanced at him and joked: "Why, do you really want to taste my foot-washing water?"

"I didn't tell you earlier!" Qiao Yi pouted and complained, jumped down from the stone pier and sat directly by the pool. He took off his shoes and socks and said with a smile, "Then I'll wash them too." Following Cai Jincheng, there were more than a dozen people who came out to collect supplies. Damn it, food and accommodation were a problem, and I didn’t have the conditions to wash myself properly. I took a dip in the Qingyu River a lot, but what kind of serious water was that? Not to mention that he was covered in yellow mud, and there were weird assholes. Weird smell.

"By the way, I'll give you this black jade!" Qiao Yi handed the black jade to Mr. Shan, "I forgot to tell you that it is no longer an ordinary jade, it can help heal wounds!"

As he spoke, Qiao Yi rolled up his trouser legs and poked his injured calf with his fingers to show off: "Look, right here, all the original wounds are healed!"

But Shan Lao didn't answer. Looking at his unexperienced look, he curled his lips and said, "What's this? Black jade has unlimited energy and has many benefits!"

"Really?" Qiao Yi glanced at Black Jade with reluctance, but still didn't take back his hand, "In that case, it's even more important to pay it back to you, Nuo! Here it is!"

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