Chapter 80 He is such a third brother

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In the small hotel room, Qiao Yi looked at his third brother with full of suspicion. It sounds like the brothers from one to three in this family are a bit too strong. No matter how big you are and how strong your arms and legs are, you may not be able to do it. You can handle Lei Maosheng, who can also transform into King Kong!

"Third brother, why do I feel like there's something missing here?"

The answer seemed to be covered with a layer of veil, and he was just about to tease it.

"Simple, what's missing is here!" Xiao Huaizhou pointed at his temple, indicating that he should consider this aspect.

"Brain? Oh, that's right!" Qiao Yi immediately understood, nodded repeatedly, and gave a thumbs up to his third brother, "The third brother is still awesome! I just think that a simple-minded person like this with well-developed limbs , how can it be possible to intimidate a strong man like Lei Maosheng with just brute force? It turns out there is an expert guiding him behind the scenes!"

"Yes, strong strength coupled with super high IQ, if it is such a perfect combination, it may be able to explain this unusual relationship between the two parties!"

Xiao Huaizhou revealed the mystery with one word. Lei Maosheng was not a fool. He must be able to convince this master that he was willing to bend his waist. He must have something good that he dreams of and yearns for!

"I just don't know what kind of expert he will be?" Qiao Yi sighed with some pity. Presumably such people usually like to hide behind the scenes and command the world!

At this moment, the uncle who had been silent until now suddenly interrupted: "You want to know who is giving advice to the Zhang brothers, right?"

There's drama! Qiao Yi's eyes lit up and he immediately looked at his uncle and asked happily: "Uncle, do you know this person? Do they really have such a counselor?"

"There is such a person, but I don't know if he counts as the counselor you mentioned. Didn't I say before that the Zhang brothers have never been to Fengyang, but there is a person named Sun next to them who often comes here!"

The uncle has stayed in the small hotel for a long time and knows more about various information, so he still knows about such a person.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Xiao Huaizhou asked first. When he heard the surname Sun, he instinctively contacted Sun Feifei's brother. Could Sun Feifei's abnormality be related to this person?

"Oh, she is a very beautiful and capable woman! I have only met her once in a while. When she comes, she is usually received by Lei Maosheng personally, and she also goes directly to Lei Maosheng's villa!"

Hearing this, Xiao Huaizhou couldn't help but think deeply, woman? Could it be that I thought wrong?

Qiao Yi held his chin, tilted his head and looked at his third brother, wondering: "Is this a honey trap by the Zhang brothers?"

"Maybe!" Xiao Huaizhou gave an ambiguous statement. A beauty alone can't do much, but if it's a very smart beauty, it's hard to say, and it seems even more complicated.

At this time, the uncle stood up from the chair and asked politely: "I wonder if you two have anything else to ask? If not, I will go back first!" There will be a power outage soon, and he still has work to finish. .

"Oh, no, thank you uncle! It took you so long!" Qiao Yi responded quickly. He was held down by Xiao Huaizhou just as he was about to get out of bed.

"I'll send it off!" He said, hurriedly drying his feet, stepping on his shoes and walking out with the uncle.

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