Chapter 127 Battle against the zombie wave (3)

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Xue Baoqi's words at the critical moment were like life-extending medicine, stimulating a lot of energy at once!

When the fighting people think of their families and the home they rely on to survive, they immediately come back to life with full blood!

Li Bowen and Xue Baoqi looked at each other and smiled, charging even more vigorously!

No matter who the enemy is, you must not lose in terms of momentum!

Xiao Huaiqing directed people to deal with the zombies that were trying to climb up the wall like geckos. Buckets of gasoline were poured on the pile of zombies outside the wall, and then the flames raging!

"Pass me another arrow!"

Xiao Huaiqing had been looking at the zombie with half of its chest underneath for a long time, and it was there scratching the wall and howling!

It was probably the one that came to climb the city wall with its friends. I couldn't stand it, so I shot it!

Soon, an arrow lay gently on his open hand. Xiao Huaiqing took it up without even thinking about it, took aim at the target, and started shooting!

With a whoosh, the brains burst, and the busty zombie dressed in Meng Lang instantly fell to the ground, unable to protect his face until he died!

"anything else?"

A familiar voice sounded, and Xiao Huaiqing suddenly turned around to look, and saw that he was looking at him eagerly with an arrow in his hand.

"Why are you here? It's dangerous here! Go back!" Xiao Huaiqing looked at this disobedient monk with a headache. Why couldn't such a strong basement contain him?

"Recite sutras for you and bless you!" He left the last sentence and then looked outside the city wall, but he quickly looked away.

Trypophobia, right? Why are you so dizzy!

Reaching out to pull him back to his side, Xiao Huaiqing didn't have time to persuade him to retreat. The outcome was not yet certain, so staying with him would make him feel more at ease.

"Are you scared? Then just sit here and recite sutras! It's best to get rid of all these zombies!" Xiao Huaiqing pressed his shoulders and asked him to sit down in the open space at his feet.

"I'm not afraid! How can they be influenced by me if they have no souls! Why don't I just chant sutras and pray for God to help!"

In the end, it was rare to give Mr. Xiao some face. He just recited the words and came with his legs crossed. He couldn't do anything to help him, so he could only pray for blessings.

What else could Xiao Huaiqing say? He curled his lips and smiled, leaving it to him. It didn't matter whether God could come or not. It was enough to have this little Buddha!

In the distance, Master Hei blocked the road, and Qiao Yi and Xiao Huaiqing made trouble. The echelon that originally advanced in an orderly manner was also disrupted.

The zombies that finally managed to sneak under the city wall were like herding sheep, just whirling and roaring at the smell of human flesh, struggling bitterly with those humans.

The high-level zombies changed one after another, and the one who was forced to take up the post at the moment was a female third-level zombie. She was able to take the post because of her two extremely prominent big teeth.

Don't care whether they are sharp or not, they are full of deterrence if they stick out without any hesitation!

hehe! Opening its voice at a higher octave, it followed with several authentic Hedong roars!

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