Chapter 198 A blind date with ulterior motives (1)

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Qiao Yi was furious, but he didn't care whether the person being pushed to the ground was a man or a woman, or what his identity was. He just slapped and slapped him until the person under him stopped cursing and crying to only apologizing and begging for mercy. !

"I'm warning you! Watch your mouth, or I'll beat you every time I see you!"

Qiao Yi watched the woman with a bruised nose and swollen face say her harsh words and stood up. She turned back to look at Xu Meihui, who was trembling with anger or fear, and advised her: "Auntie! In addition to self-respect, you also need to be careful when making friends. !”

Xu Meiyun held her head and sobbed and was speechless, but Xu Meihui dared to speak for her, but she still explained in a trembling voice: "I'm not a friend, I'm my aunt's biological sister!"

What she means is, why don't you show any respect to your aunt? It's not appropriate for you to hit your aunt's biological sister!

Unexpectedly, Qiao Yi even criticized her without giving her face: "Since she is my aunt's biological sister, you should discipline her well!"

It had been several days since he came back, but he had never seen his aunt, let alone her coming to Xiao's house to see his grandfather. She probably had no interest in him as a junior who had returned, and was even more indifferent to his father-in-law.

Coupled with his third brother's attitude towards her, Qiao Yi can conclude that the aunt in front of him is not very popular with the Xiao family. In this case, just saying hello for her uncle's sake is enough. It doesn’t matter whether you give me something or not!

Xu Meiyun covered her face and sobbed hoarsely in pain. She raised her head and hugged her sister: "Sister!"

"Okay! Shut up first!" Xu Meihui looked at her sister with a headache. It would be useless to talk more!

"Xiao Yi, no matter what you say, you can't hit someone!"

Qiao Yihun didn't care, he dared to say that he was an illegitimate child, and he could still resist taking action, so he looked at his aunt and said flatly: "I'm sorry, I haven't had anyone to discipline me since I was a child, and I'm used to taking action whenever I disagree!"

Xiao Huaizhou laughed secretly after hearing this, his baby is getting more and more annoying! When you get angry, no one will give you any face!

Seeing that Qiao Yi was almost out of breath, he stepped forward and took his hand, took out his handkerchief and wiped it carefully. It was stained with blood from the corner of the woman's mouth and had to be cleaned up!

"Does your hand hurt?"

Qiao Yi flicked his wrist and answered quickly: "It doesn't hurt! She's thick-skinned!"

After hearing this, Xu Meiyun almost lost her temper. After beating the person, she still said bad things about her. Is there any justice in heaven? I really want to curse again, but I really can’t open my mouth!

It turns out that Xiao Huaizhou could only say harsh words and threaten people, but why did someone so unscrupulous and dare to attack him suddenly come here!

How dare he attack a woman like her in public? And there was a murder in the street, but the people in the Xiao family didn't react? So indulgent?

Xu Meihui didn't know what to say. She hurriedly went over to help Xu Meiyun up. She looked up at the gate of Xiao Mansion and didn't know what she was expecting!

After Xiao Huaizhou wiped Qiao Yi's hands, he raised his eyes and looked around the street. The crowd that had just been watching had quietly dispersed.

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