Chapter 153 The young monk looks like a husband and wife

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Xu Meihui didn't know what her sister had planned. She felt relaxed and happy that someone was taking care of her. She was holding a photo of a beautiful girl in her hand and her face was so happy.

The two were chatting heatedly when there was movement outside, a car stopped, and there was the sound of someone pulling and tugging.

"Hey! Is Huaiqing back?" Xu Meihui stood up immediately and was about to go out to check, when two people came in at the door.

"Come in, this is my house, what are you afraid of!"

Xiao Huaiqing's low urging voice sounded. This little guy has never given him a good look since he came to B City, and he has always ignored him.

When something happened in City B this time, it was rare that he didn't pester him to go to the intern base to chant sutras. He thought he could just stay at his grandfather's place, but he didn't expect that they were not idle at all. He went out to find a team of superpowers, thinking I want to follow them out of the city, and I am determined to go to Qingyu Peak to find Qiao Yi!

If it weren't for the fact that there were all his own people at the city gate, he would have really slipped away! The little ones are becoming more and more mean-spirited!

"I can go out and find a place to live on my own!"

In the end, he was really angry with this big man for being self-assertive and overbearing. He didn't know why he brought him to City B. Doing nothing every day made him feel directionless. He finally persuaded a team of superpowers to take him out of the city. Unfortunately, in He was picked up by this man right at the city gate and taken directly to his own home!

Why can't this person go out and find a place to live if he can't stop caring about him? Why do you have to live in the Xiao family?

"We can't even live in the shacks, what nonsense are you talking about!" Xiao Huaiqing grabbed the back of his neck with his big hands and pushed him inside.

And Xu Meihui saw her beloved son whom she had longed for, so she walked over anxiously and said happily: "Old son! You are back! What's wrong? Come in quickly and let mom take a look! Something good happens to be looking for you!"

"Mom! Oh, my aunt is here too! I just want to introduce you to you. This is the friend I brought back. His name is Mo Mo. He has been living at home for a while. Please take care of me if you are tired!" Xiao Huaiqing smiled and told her two people. He said hello and briefly explained the situation.

When they saw the person Xiao Huaiqing pushed in, Xu Meihui and Xu Meiyun were stunned for a moment, "Hey! Little monk!"

"H-Hello!" Finally, he was pushed in front of someone and had to restrain his temper. He smiled awkwardly and said hello, but he complained to Xiao Huaiqing again in his heart. Why are they all female donors!

"Mom! Auntie! Let's chat! Let's go upstairs first! I'm exhausted these two days! I need to catch up on my sleep!"

Xiao Huaiqing hugged the person and walked upstairs. If he stayed for a second longer, he might be pestered by his mother and wouldn't let him go for a long time. He was so sleepy that he had to hurry up and take a nap. If it weren't for the people who visited his grandfather's house in the past two days, It's a bit much. He won't bring the little monk back to listen to his mother's nagging.

"Hey? Huai Qing! The guest room hasn't been tidied up yet. Let's go up later!"

Xu Meihui hurriedly called for someone. Couldn't she say a few more words to herself when she got back? I didn't even have time to see if he had lost weight or gotten darker? Don’t you want to eat the food cooked by your mother? This is a home, not a hotel! Annoying!

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