Chapter 19 Black Jade Space

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In the dark dream, Qiao Yi was spinning rapidly with a whirlpool, and the strong dizziness made him gradually lose consciousness.

When he woke up again, Qiao Yi found himself lying under a silent sky, with the sun shining warmly on his body, which was very comfortable. A few white clouds were floating quietly, which was beautiful but a little unreal.

"Huh? Where is this?" Qiao Yi muttered in his heart. He remembered that he should be sleeping in that shabby little warehouse, right? This environment must be a dream! However, this dream is so real!

He sat up and touched the soft earth with his hands. The green grass poked out from between his fingers. The smell of green grass instantly penetrated his nostrils. Qiao Yi suddenly became energetic!

Quickly standing up, patting the dust on his hands, Qiao Yi looked around and saw that under the light blue sky, in addition to the grass under his feet, there were green, red, yellow, white, and green trees lined up not far ahead. Black Friday is a large piece of five-color land, which looks quite large. Under the sunlight, the five colors are particularly eye-catching.

Turning around and looking back, I saw that at the end of the grassland was an empty field, bare and colorless, with not even a blade of grass in sight. I didn't know what it was for.

What caught Qiao Yi's attention was a two-meter-high rockery at the junction of the site and the grass. He could clearly see water flowing down from the top of the rockery, and finally fell into a small pond below.

A little excited, Qiao Yi ran over and stared at the clear water. His Adam's apple rolled and he was a little thirsty. The water looked delicious, but he didn't know if he could drink it?

"Sinzhan's writings are very good! Drink when you are thirsty!"

Just as he was hesitating, an old voice suddenly sounded, which startled Qiao Yi!

However, he quickly realized that the voice was very familiar, it was Mr. Shan!

"Hey! Old man, is that you?" Qiao Yi asked excitedly. He had never heard Shan Lao speak since he fell asleep.

Shan Lao replied: "Well, it's me!"

Qiao Yi turned around and looked again and again. Except for the sky and the earth, the surrounding area was empty and clean. There was no shadow of the old man at all. "Old man, where are you?"

Shan Lao's voice was a bit high-pitched, and he said slowly: "Stop looking for it, you can't see me."

Qiao Yi was puzzled and asked him: "Aren't you already asleep? Where am I? Is this a dream? However, it feels too real, and it doesn't feel like a dream."

"Well, you're not too confused. Of course you're not dreaming. This is the black jade space. I figured it out when I had nothing to do. How about it? It looks great!" Shan Lao's tone was full of joy, as if The children who couldn't wait to share their results showed off a little.

Qiao Yi said in surprise: "You have nothing to do, shouldn't you be busy sealing Black Jade?" Suddenly remembering something, Qiao Yi raised an eyebrow and asked him, "You didn't sleep at all, did you?" This can explain why Black Jade Sometimes it glows and sometimes it burns people, helping him drive away the mutated mice, and even cooperating with Hei Ye to stay here, there is no one else but him.

"Uh...Based on the experience and lessons learned from the last seal, I was cautious this time and used a little bit of consciousness to stay awake, so as not to wake up blind and not know anything. It's wonderful, don't you think?" Shan Lao's spiritual consciousness seemed to be particularly energetic, and his heart stopped beating and he was out of breath after finishing a sentence.

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