Chapter 30: Get it back first and then talk about it

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After learning about the zombies, Xiao Qinian then shifted the topic to the Wan family. The Wan family has been having a hard time these days. Wan Jianxin went to the Xiao family several times to ask to see Mr. Xiao, apologize and beg for mercy, which upset him to death. Got it!

"Let's resolve the Wan family's matter as soon as possible!"

Xiao Lifeng hurriedly explained: "I was negligent and allowed Wan Jianxin to disturb you. Don't worry! It will never happen again. All the evidence of the crime has been confirmed, and the Wan family has been sent under the supervision of Mayor Hong. !”

"What about the Jianhua Superpower Group? Didn't you say that the second son of the Wanjia is a very powerful fire-type superpower? Can he be captured without hesitation?" Xiao Qinian is right. Wan Jianye, the second master of the Wanjia, is indeed one of the few third-level people. One of the superpowers, with extraordinary strength and fiery temper, he is not someone who can be manipulated at will.

Hearing this, Xiao Lifeng glanced at Xiao Lixun and Si Chengli who were standing aside. He couldn't help but laugh strangely and said, "Haha~! No matter how powerful he is, it's useless. Who let him meet our Young Master Xiao!"

Xiao Qinian suddenly said: "Huaizhou!"

"Yes, before the fire in Wan Jianye's hand started to burn, he was swept away by a gust of wind from Huaizhou. He was directly pressed under his swimming pool and almost drowned!" Xiao Lifeng thought of Wan Jianye being fished out. When I looked half dead, I felt so happy!

After hearing this, Xiao Qinian slowly leaned back on the chair, squinted at the couple opposite him, and then said: "Although that kid didn't say it, I guess he has already broken through the fourth level, right?"

After hearing this, Xiao Lixun crossed his leg and argued with a grin: "Don't ask me about this, I don't know. This kid is mysterious all day long, but it's rare for us to meet him!"

Si Chengli glanced at him and scolded: "How do you talk? Why don't you say you don't care about your son?"

"Dad, Huaizhou did not tell us clearly about this, but I know that he must have broken through the fourth level. Maybe he had his own plans for not telling us. Don't mind!" Si Chengli has always been thoughtful, even if he doesn't tell us Although they often met each other, he could still feel the changes in Xiao Huaizhou. However, as his son got older, it was hard to talk about many things, so he just followed him.

"What do I have to mind! This is a good thing. Huaizhou is right not to say anything. You must know that third-level superpowers are still quite rare nowadays, let alone fourth-level ones. It is too early to tell this matter. Maybe something will happen!" Xiao Qinian's eyes fell on the pattern of the teacup in front of him, "It's rare that this kid can be so calm!"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Xiao Lixun's face again, and he spoke with a strong sense of contempt: "This son of yours is much better than you!"

This still works! Xiao Lixun immediately became unhappy and retorted: "Dad! I don't want to be as partial as you! My grandson is good at everything, so who am I doing in the laboratory every day? Isn't it also for our Xiao family? I am Isn’t it thorough enough?” I was almost drowned in the experimental data!

Si Chengli smiled helplessly, pulled his arm and said, "That's enough for you. Why are you competing with your son? Just be your father!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lixun immediately nodded his head and agreed: "Yes, yes, you are right. I will have to take good care of this eldest son when I see him again!" Humph, let's see if he doesn't teach this brat a lesson. Yeah, the whole family was talking to him, they were so angry!

Si Chengli said happily: "That's pretty much it!"

Xiao Qinian felt a little itchy when he saw his son's character, hey! No way! Only Si Chengli can cure him!

"Speaking of Huaizhou, it's been two or three days since we set off! I wonder if we can successfully find Xiao Yi?" When it came to Qiao Yi, Xiao Qinian's eyes became deep and thoughtful. He had been regretting that he had not been able to find Qiao Yi. If Yi wanted to come back from the Qiao family, even if he had to use all his connections to rob him, it would be fine. Otherwise, what would happen to his Cai family? Bullshit engagement!

Xiao Lifeng knew the old man's heartache and immediately comforted him: "Dad, don't worry! We already know the whereabouts of the Cai family. Xiao Yi will be fine. When Huaizhou brings him back, you can just take good care of him!"

Si Chengli also comforted him: "Yes, don't worry! You know, Huaizhou cares about that child very much and will definitely bring him back safely!"

Xiao Qinian could only place his hope on Xiao Huaizhou. He still remembered that when he went to pick up Qiao Yi from Qiao's house, Xiao Huaizhou went with him. When he knew that he could not take Qiao Yi away, Xiao Huaizhou almost didn't smash Qiao's house directly. I was even more depressed for a long time after I came back.

Later, suddenly one day, Xiao Huaizhou came to him and said that he wanted to join the army and that he wanted to become stronger. When he became stronger, he would go and snatch Qiao Yi back.

Xiao Qinian originally thought that these were just the angry words of a child, but he still sent him to the army to train as he wished, thinking that he might not be able to endure the hardship anymore and then he came back.

But I never thought that not only did he serve as a soldier well, but he also excelled in everything. In the past few years, he won several titles such as first place in the arms race and the title of King of Soldiers. In the end, he was recommended to overseas for special training. went.

After returning from three years of special training, Xiao Huaizhou took up his duties at the Military Headquarters of City B and served as the leader of the special operations group under Xiao Lifeng.

When Xiao Huaizhou confidently approached Xiao Qinian and said he was going to pick up Qiao Yi, he realized that the child had not forgotten his promise. He had finally become stronger and could rob people!

But what about the person you want to snatch? There was actually an engagement, and he had already been sent to the Cai family!

Shocked, angry, hesitant, forbearing! That was the only time Xiao Qinian saw so many complicated expressions on Xiao Huaizhou's face. It was hard to imagine how many emotions he had suppressed in his heart at that time. After a long time, Xiao Huaizhou only asked slowly: "Xiao Yi, he Are you willing?" Qiao Yi was already eighteen years old at the time. Even if the engagement had been made long ago, he could still refuse it as long as he didn't want to!

Xiao Qinian didn't know how to answer. He only found out after asking around. It turned out that Cai and Qiao were family friends and had many contacts in their early years. Qiao Yi and Cai Jincheng naturally knew each other. As for the engagement, he was also sent to Qiao Yi. He only found out about it after the Cai family, and he also knew that Qiao Yi did not object, but was deeply loved and protected by the Cai family. This made Xiao Qinian secretly angry for a long time. So what is good about the Cai family? Why are you as careless as his daughter?

However, the marriage was not really consummated yet, so Xiao Qinian asked someone to send a letter to Qiao Yi, promising that as long as he wanted to leave, he would not have to worry about the engagement, and the Xiao family would take care of everything for him!

But before any reply came, the apocalypse came. Later, R city fell, and people fled one after another. Since then, they have completely lost contact!

The apocalyptic chaos lasted for several months. After the division of power in City B was settled, the Xiao family reorganized their manpower and began to search for Qiao Yi, especially Xiao Huaizhou's special team. Any team that went out to perform a mission had one thing in common. His fixed task is to inquire about the whereabouts of the Cai family and all the news related to Qiao Yi.

It doesn’t matter if Qiao Yi wants it or not, if you find him, grab him back first!

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