Chapter 192 Hong Shengbo is willing to be used

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Hearing Xiao Qinian say his third brother's name, Qiao Yi almost thought that there was something wrong with his hearing. How could his third brother, such an upright person, sneak into other people's homes and steal things?

Besides, he was only a teenager at that time! The security monitoring of Qiao's villa was not just a decoration, so how did he do it?

"Ah? My third brother!" Qiao Yi was stunned. Has his third brother ever stolen anything? !

He remembered that right after his mother passed away, his father gave the valuable jewelry in her hand to his new wife. Among them was an emerald mermaid pendant which was his mother's favorite and he said he wanted to leave it to her. For my future daughter-in-law!

He wanted a child for a long time but could not get it back. He also secretly went to the woman's room to search, but returned without success several times and slowly gave up.

It couldn't have been stolen by then!

At this time, his grandfather spoke again: "Remember when I took him to pick you up, right? You cried and said that they took your mother's mermaid pendant. I asked for it, but they didn't admit it, so I had to give up temporarily. But then one day , your third brother sent the pendant to me, and I asked where it came from? There was only one word - stolen!"

"Wow! So cool!" Qiao Yi exhaled involuntarily, and the surprised expression just now was replaced by a nymphomaniacal smile!

Xiao Qinian shook his head speechlessly. No wonder these two people could come together. One loves to be cool and the other is a little nympho. One was robbed and the other got it back for him. They were such a perfect match!

"It's done. The things were left behind by your mother. I will return them to their original owners. Please keep them!"

Qiao Yi nodded and put the necklace back into the jewelry box. With a thought, it was put into the space intact. No one can take it away this time!

Thinking that this was what his mother had left for his future daughter-in-law, Qiao Yi curled his lips. His third brother would not wear this even if he died. However, this could be regarded as something that his third brother stole back for himself! it's fate!

Thinking again that his third brother had been so interested in him when he was so young, Qiao Yi's heart was immediately filled with happiness!

It feels good to be cared about and loved by others!

The Xiao family's family gathering gathered and dispersed quickly. After a short break, everyone went about their business, and the Xiao family's mansion returned to its usual calm.

The first thing Xiao Huaizhou and Qiao Yi had to do was to find Hong Shengbo. The metal treasure house placed in the space was too eye-catching. They finally encountered a fourth-level metal power, so of course they had to make good use of it.

Now that the decision was made, it was time to do things quickly. Hong Shengbo's superpower was going to be disabled and he had to be sent back to Y City. Xiao Huaizhou took Qiao Yi to the military headquarters cell without any delay.

I originally thought that when imprisoning a fourth-level superpower user, we should be extra cautious and take precautions at all levels, but Hong Shengbo was completely unexpected. After half a day, not only did he not put up any resistance, he was also squeaking in pain, and he had already begun to cry out and beg for mercy!

Guard A: "I don't often get carsick and airsick, but I've never seen someone who was knocked unconscious by a whirlwind for so long and didn't recover! Why is it getting more and more sad to watch!"

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