Chapter 41 Mutated Rat

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The owner of this loud voice was none other than Huang Chenggang, whom Qiao Yi had not seen at first.

He yelled, "Mr. Cai, it's not good!"

Everyone present was so shocked that their hearts trembled. Something bad was about to happen!

"Yelling, what's going on?" Cai Jincheng shouted in a deep voice, fearing that Huang Chenggang was used to his loud voice and lost his sense of control and frightened others.

The matter seemed urgent. Huang Chenggang didn't have time to explain. He turned around and pointed in the direction he came from, and replied anxiously: "Hurry, hide quickly! A large group of mutated rats are coming to the woods to the east!"

"What? Mutant rat!" Cai Jincheng asked again in disbelief. They didn't find anything unusual when they just came over. They came too fast!

"Yes, such a big group! They are coming this way, and our patrolmen are trying to stop them. There are too many! I'm afraid they won't be able to stop them! Find a place to hide as soon as you can!" Huang Chenggang said in a rough voice. He looked at Cai Jincheng anxiously and urgently.

Everyone looked cautiously to the east and saw bright supernatural balls passing through the night and blooming when they landed! The superpowers over there have already begun to intercept!

"Mutated rat! What should we do? Go into the house and hide!" Someone immediately couldn't stay still, so he pulled the people around him and rushed into the nearest small building.

"Let's go! Come on, let's go! Don't be stunned!" Many people started running, and they all ran into the small building behind Qiao Yi. The most outstanding performance was Ma'er's daughter-in-law, who pulled two children and Sprinting for 100 meters, he almost knocked over a girl with a backpack, which immediately elicited a gnashing curse.

At this time, Qiao Yi naturally stopped arguing with them. He immediately got out of Xiao Huaizhou's military cloak, looked at Cai Jincheng and said, "Take auntie to hide inside quickly and let them seal the doors and windows!"

"Okay." Cai Jincheng agreed, but just as he was about to turn around, Zhang Shumian beat him to it: "Brother Jincheng, I'll take my aunt and the others in! We can't live without you outside, so go and arrange for others!"

Before he finished speaking, he held Xie Chengying and Li Yunxiu one by one and ran towards the small building, fearing that Cai Jincheng would tell him to stay behind to fight the mutated rats.

Seeing this, Cai Jincheng could only shout loudly from behind: "Find something to seal the doors and windows!"

After saying that, he looked at Huang Chenggang who was in a daze, and pushed his shoulder angrily: "Why are you dazed? Call all the superpowers to prepare for battle!"

Unexpectedly, Huang Chenggang did not immediately carry out his order. Instead, he froze on the spot, looking at Qiao Yi not far away, and asked with a complicated expression: "Why... is he here?" He shouldn't be dead. ?

Cai Jincheng didn't think much, and didn't have time to explain to him. He just urged him: "Qiao Yi is still alive! Don't ask so many questions! Go and make arrangements!"

Faced with the enemy who killed him in the previous life and almost killed him in this life, Qiao Yi wanted to kill him immediately.

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