Chapter 43 Harvesting Mutated Weasels

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Hei Ye stood up with his bright black body and was fighting happily. From time to time, he would bite the opponent who kept rushing towards him!

Qiao Yi opened his eyes and carefully identified the dozens of four-legged animals on the ground. They had slightly round heads, pointed mouths, yellow fur, and long furry tails. Each one of them was more than a foot long. rice.

"What is this? A wolf?"

Xiao Huaizhou frowned and replied quietly: "It's a weasel."

"Huh? Weasel?" Qiao Yi had never seen a weasel, but he had an intuition that this thing shouldn't be that big!

"It's a weasel, but it's much larger than a normal weasel. These should have evolved due to some reason." Xiao Huaizhou explained slowly, and then his eyes fell on a thick tree, where Just take a look at it.

So, he took Qiao Yi and quietly stopped among the branches of the big tree.

Qiao Yi felt much more at ease now that his feet were on something. Although he was still at a high place, it was still much more comfortable than hanging in the air. The trapeze was very exciting, but he wasn't quite used to it yet.

Holding the tree trunk, Qiao Yi looked eagerly at the battle over there, muttering: "No wonder, only evolved weasels dare to attack mutant mice! I just don't know that those mutant mice were scared away by weasels. , or were you scared away by Master Hei?"

"Master Hei is the mutant snake, right?" Xiao Huaizhou's attention was focused on the mutant snake.

He has been outside for a long time and has heard or seen a lot of mutated animals. Most of those mutated animals have been affected by the apocalyptic environment and have evolved to varying degrees. He is the first to mutate to such a degree as Heiye. When you see it for the first time, you will inevitably be shocked.

Qiao Yi heard him ask, so he replied with some pride: "Well, it is Master Hei, my mutant snake, it must be awesome!"

Xiao Huaizhou rolled his eyes, turned to look at him and asked, "Master Hei is the friend you just mentioned?"

"Yes, that's it. It has been accompanying me to protect me these days, and it can also find food for me. How about it, third brother? Are you scared?" Qiao Yi said, finally there was someone to share it with. His awesome pet is gone!

"Well, I'm scared! I didn't expect our Xiao Yi to be so powerful and tame such a mutated snake!" Xiao Huaizhou reached out and rubbed his head, praising him without hesitation.

But I still secretly made up my mind that from now on I can just do the things of accompanying him, protecting him, and feeding him by myself. Master Hei can take a vacation.

After thinking about it, I don't know what Qiao Yi has been through for such a long time. Not to mention breaking up with the Cai family and subduing the mutated snake. I must have suffered a lot in the process. It makes me feel sad just thinking about it!

Poor little Qiao Yi didn't know what his third brother was thinking. He found that Master Hei didn't seem to be interested in these mutated weasels. Most of them killed them and threw them to the ground, looking very disgusted.

Looking at the mutated weasel corpses all over the mountains and plains, Qiao Yi clapped his hands and was happy. Master Hei didn't care about it, but he did!

If he remembered correctly, the fur and meat of the weasel were very valuable. These two things were a huge amount of wealth in the last days when food and clothing were in short supply!

"What's wrong?" Xiao Huaizhou was curious as he looked at him with such gleaming eyes.

Qiao Yi blinked at him with bright black eyes and said, "Third brother, these mutated weasels belong to me!"

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