Chapter 28 The real secret

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Faced with Liu Mingjia's loss of control, Qiao Yi smiled calmly and said: "Sure enough! You took advantage of the conflict between Wan Jianxin and your father to create a murderous plot to assassinate your father, frame the blame on Wan Jianxin, and then throw out the so-called Wan Jianxin. The evidence of family crimes caused chaos in the Wan family, and they silenced you. This confirmed the evidence of Wan Jianxin's crimes, and also helped you get rid of suspicion! This is a really good move!"

"However, what is even more clever is that you transferred the evidence in advance. As long as the evidence is not available, no matter how many people they send to find you, they will not kill you easily. The evidence will undoubtedly become your life-saving talisman!" Qiao Yi He glanced at the two of them, took a breath and continued: "But now, it seems that these evidences are not that important anymore, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Mingjia calmed down the crazy look on her face, slapped away Fang Heping's hand that was holding her, stared at Qiao Yi leisurely and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Qiao Yi's eyes darkened, and then he said coldly: "Because you have concluded that the Wan family is finished. Even if it is not now, it will happen soon. Maybe the Wan family will no longer be able to send anyone to hunt you down. , or it’s not necessary at all, because the evidence has already been handed over to the people who should get it, right!”

"If such a big deal falls into the hands of the opponent, it will only take a matter of minutes to destroy the Wan family. Am I right?"

Before Liu Mingjia could answer, Fang Heping took over the conversation and asked him: "Why are you so sure that the Wan family is finished? Who are you?" Why do you know so much! ?

Liu Mingjia also looked calm and asked: "That's right, why do you conclude that the Wan family will not send anyone again? Don't forget that Wu Guangli and Xu Hu we just killed were members of the Jianhua Superpower Group. , there may be others after them!”

"Ha!" Qiao Yi chuckled, curled his lips and said helplessly: "You guys really know how to play! Then why did Wu Guangli and Xu Hu come and find you smoothly? Don't you know better than me? "

After hearing this, Liu Mingjia and Fang Heping looked at each other, seemingly puzzled: "Mr. Qiao, is he joking? We are afraid of avoiding people from the Wan family, so how can we know their whereabouts? Have we lived enough?"

Qiao Yi slightly adjusted his sitting posture to make himself a little more comfortable, and then slowly said: "Hey! You have to make it clear, right? Well, let me first talk about the so-called escape to City B. A survivor, if you guessed it correctly, you must have arranged for him to go there on purpose!"

Liu Mingjia suddenly raised her lips, gesturing for him to continue: "My people? How can I say this?" She didn't believe it. How could he guess everything?

"Simple!" Qiao Yi followed her words and continued, "Of course he is yours, and you sent him there just to reveal your whereabouts to the Wan family. There are two purposes!"

Qiao Yi looked up at the two of them, his beautiful eyes sparkling, "First of all, in order to test Wanjia, if Wanjia doesn't respond, it means that Wanjia's evidence has been made public without your intervention. They can't protect themselves, naturally. I don’t care about your life or death! On these two points, if the Wan family takes action, it will give the party with the evidence a good opportunity to avenge the former deputy mayor and prevent the Liu family orphans from being brutally persecuted. It can be said that the right time, place and right people are in place to bring down Wanjia! Of course, your safety is certainly not in danger! This move can be said to kill two birds with one stone!"

Fang Heping frowned and retorted: "Hmph, according to you, what's going on with Wu Guangli and Xu Hu? Those are people from the Jianhua Superpower Group!"

After hearing the question, Qiao Yi shook his head with some pity and said helplessly: "Well, it's really their own greed to blame. They think they can just come and arrest you secretly without reporting it, but I guess your people will never just Reveal the news to the two of them! Wu Guangli should be just a relatively low-level member of the Wan family. They may not be aware of the movements of the higher-ups, so they followed the guidance of your people and came all the way, and even bumped into you. Upright."

Qiao Yi stopped and hooked his toes hard. His tied legs were numb. He said with some displeasure, "Can you untie me? It's so tiring to talk like this!"

Liu Mingjia responded unceremoniously: "Stop talking nonsense! Go on, I want to see what else you can come up with!"

Qiao Yi knew this was the look on his face, curled his lips, and continued: "I have successfully captured your family. Wu Guangli and the others are naturally proud and eager to go back to claim their merits, but they don't want to fall into your trap!"

When Liu Mingjia heard this, he looked at Qiao Yi with sharp eyes and said with disapproval: "Our trap? You really dare to say that! It's obvious that they kidnapped us! You saw this with your own eyes!"

Qiao Yi laughed, glanced at her with raised eyebrows, and said sarcastically: "Are you saying that seeing is believing? It's so funny! Do you dare to say that what I see is the truth? Especially you!" They all look honest on the outside. He looks very easy to bully, but in fact, he is not just as greedy and shameless!

Liu Mingjia simply broke the jar and admitted nonchalantly: "So what? They are allowed to hunt us down and even kill us, but can't we resist? They deserve to die!"

"That's not entirely true!" Qiao Yi once again denied her statement, "Deliberately creating an escape plan to delay time, and deliberately attracting zombies when it gets dark. If you hadn't met me, I think you would have used your spirit to Superpower control Wu Guangli and Xu Hu went out to kill zombies and obtain crystal cores for you, right?"

Hearing this, Liu Mingjia and Fang Heping both looked at Qiao Yi in disbelief. He was really right! They must have met the detective!

Fang Heping then sneered: "Attract zombies? Mental powers can't control zombies, so how can they attract them?"

Qiao Yi had to explain again: "Of course you don't need spiritual powers to attract zombies, a drop of blood is enough."

As he spoke, he stared at the couple in front of him solemnly, and said slowly: "When I was talking to your daughter Xiaoyu this morning, I accidentally discovered that there was a scar on her wrist, which was still very fresh!" When the child reached out to pinch the bear doll's ear, he accidentally discovered that the wound was small and straight, like a knife cut, so he paid special attention to it.

"At the same time, I also discovered a problem!" After a pause, Qiao Yi continued: "Xiaoyu is still mute!"

Being chased by so many zombies the night before, everyone was frightened and screamed, but Xiaoyu didn't say a word. He felt strange at that time. Later, when he greeted her in the car, he didn't say a word. Before that, It was even more impossible for Wu Guangli and the others to notice him after being cut. In addition, after he was tied to the car for so long, he didn't hear the slightest sound from the child. It was too quiet! This is not how a normal child should behave!

"How did you..."

"There's more!" Qiao Yi interrupted Liu Mingjia and said flatly: "This Xiaoyu is not your child at all!"

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