Chapter 82 The Xiao family's arrangements

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In the expert clinic of the Military General Hospital of City B.

The old expert wearing reading glasses carefully looked through the thick inspection checklist in his hand. He nodded and shook his head. He didn't put down the pen and paper in his hand until he read the last page. He raised his head and looked at Cai Jincheng sitting opposite.

"How are you, Dr. He? Do you see any problem?" Cai Jincheng asked first. He had made an appointment with Dr. He after a lot of connections. He specializes in treating various difficult and complicated diseases.

Dr. He slowly leaned back on the chair, frowned slightly and said, "I have done all the examinations that can be arranged, and I just saw the results. To be honest, just looking at various physical health indicators, This Mr. Zhang’s physical condition is quite good, after all, he is young and a person with superpowers!”

Cai Jincheng had heard similar words several times from the doctors he had seen before. When he said this, he knew that there was no chance again, "Is there nothing wrong with his body? Then he has been having colds these past few days. Didn’t it cause any harm to the body? It’s obviously very painful!”

"But his discomfort cannot be detected with current medical methods, and we have no way to treat it symptomatically!"

"Then you mean there's nothing we can do!" Cai Jincheng confirmed in a low voice without hope.

"Yes, from our point of view, there is really no way to deal with it. We can't just inject and take medicine randomly without any basis, right? Even if we want to do this, I believe Mr. Cai will not allow it. We have indeed tried our best!"

Dr. He has been practicing medicine all his life. He has seen countless patients and cured countless difficult and complicated diseases. The "Miracle Hands of Rejuvenation" and "A Miracle Doctor Is Alive" hanging on the wall are not for nothing!

Cai Jincheng still asked reluctantly: "Is there something wrong with the superpower?"

"Perhaps! If there is a problem with superpowers, there is nothing we can do about it. As I said before, I suggest you go to the Military Research Institute and have a look. There is a special superpower research department there. Maybe you can find out the problem!" Dr. He gave his advice sincerely.

"Okay, thank you!"

Cai Jincheng had no choice but to say goodbye and leave. He also knew that he should go to the Military Research Institute, but he hesitated when he thought that it was the Xiao family's territory.

As soon as he came out and saw Zhang Shumian who was still holding Chen Younian's arm tightly on a hot day, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips. If he continued like this, if Zhang Shumian didn't have any problems, he would too!

"Brother Jin, Jincheng! What, how is it? He...can't save me?" Zhang Shumian looked at him with tears in his eyes. He was almost tortured to death. He couldn't use his powers these days, every day. It was like being soaked in an ice cellar. The most embarrassing thing was that he could only rely on Chen Younian's superpower to relieve his pain. His brother Jincheng didn't even want to look at him anymore!

Thinking of this, he unconsciously increased the strength on his hands, damn Qiao Yi! He was the one who harmed himself!

"Mr. Cai! Is there any result?" Chen Younian endured the stinging pain on his arm and asked.

In the past few days, he has been living in Alexandria. Not to mention that he has an extra pendant on his body when he goes out. He spends most of the day making a heater, either hand in hand or arm in arm. Zhang Shumian is willing to spare it, but he can't. ah!

Therefore, he wished that a living god would come to him and cure Zhang Shumian immediately. He occupied Mr. Cai's little boyfriend every day and took the crystal core he gave him. He was really shameless!

"Let's go back and talk about it first!" Cai Jincheng didn't want to say anything. When he first came to B City, he had a lot of things to do. Finally, with the help of Chen Younian, and being pestered by Zhang Shumian, he couldn't go anywhere. What he could do was too limited. Got it!

It makes me depressed just thinking about it!

In the Xiao family's mansion in the inner city, Xiao Lifeng had just told Mr. Xiao the news he had obtained.

Xiao Lifeng: "That's probably the news Huaizhou brought back. Now that Xiao Yi has been found, you should rest assured!"

After Xiao Qinian heard this, Lao Huai smiled happily and sighed: "Oh! I finally found it! Huaizhou is still reliable! I just don't know when he can bring Xiao Yi back?"

"Don't worry, Dad! It won't be long before the children are old enough and have become promising. They all know how to find a way out for our Xiao family, so just give them more time!"

When talking about the way out, Xiao Qinian became interested, "It stands to reason that when the apocalypse first broke out, many people chose to hide in the mountains for refuge, but after all, living supplies are limited, and only a few people can hide for a long time. This Qingyu Mountain It was originally a nature reserve and has not been systematically developed. There must not be many people who dare to venture in. Since there is a cave inside and Xiao Yi discovered it, we must defend it!"

Of course Xiao Lifeng understood the meaning and immediately stated his plan: "Yes, we have to wait until Huaizhou goes there to see the specific situation to know. To be on the safe side, we still have to keep this secret first!"

"Of course, I will also make preparations in advance so that I can cooperate with Huaizhou's actions!"

"Well! I can rest assured that I can leave this matter to you! Also! Don't let Huai Ming just focus on defending the city. He should also worry more about the family affairs!"

Xiao Qinian had a headache when he thought about his eldest grandson. Just like his eldest son, he was almost stupid as a soldier. He only knew how to hang around the city wall all day long, not to mention how conscientious he was!

Xiao Lifeng naturally agreed. Since the Xiao family had other plans, he certainly didn't want his son to be like a grass growing on the top of the city wall. He had to bring him back and train him properly!

"Okay, I know!"

Xiao Qinian thought for a while and simply mentioned it together: "And Huai Qing, didn't he come back on duty in the past two days?"

"Yes, we'll be here almost the day after tomorrow!"

"Well, then don't let him rest, let him take people to Rongan, so that he can help Huaizhou at the critical moment!"

Xiao Lifeng had this intention and immediately nodded in agreement. If it was successful, it would be a considerable reserve of supplies. Once the news leaked out, there would be many people coveting it!

"By the way, what's the recent trend of the zombie wave? Has another base fallen?" Xiao Qinian would ask more or less what he needed to know, regardless of whether he said anything.

"In the past few days, all the small bases around R City have been evacuated except for two that were too late to evacuate and fell! It may be because there is a vast plain to the north of R City, and the zombie wave basically comes from That direction is coming all the way south!"

Xiao Lifeng paused here, frowned and thought for a while before looking at Xiao Qinian, and said with some confusion: "However, there is one thing that is a little strange!"

"Strange? What do you mean?"

I heard Xiao Lifeng slowly express his doubts and said: "I don't know if it is because of the obstruction of the Qingyu Mountains. Most of the zombies basically stopped moving after they gathered in R City, although we blocked the access there in advance. The roads in City B are not going to leave them trapped there!"

Hearing what he said, Xiao Qinian couldn't help but ponder and said: "You mean... there is something there that attracts them?"

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