Thorin ~ Privacy

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He may or may not be my expect a lot?

It had been a long few weeks traveling with the Company, including thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard, and I'd be damned to say if I didn't just want a break from all of them. Being the only woman, even though a dwarf, was incredibly tiring.

Never mind the innuendo's that were thrown around, or the constant teasing. I could handle all that, after all, I was a warrior, same as them and knew how to defend myself. No, it was the lack of privacy.

Anytime I wanted to sneak away to have a moment to myself, I'd find one of the dwarves following me, trying to look as innocent as possible, and it was damned frustrating.

Which is why I was glad when we got to Rivendell.

As soon as I stepped foot in those doors I forgot all about the nasty trolls and the orc pack that had just tried to run us down. I knew that here, I could find some privacy at last.

However, I quickly realised it wasn't meant to be.

They seemed to be everywhere. I could understand why, sure. Females were becoming almost a rare thing among dwarves, but I was no pretty wallflower that needed protecting, something I took great enjoyment in yelling at them one evening after finally having enough.

"You would think that you lot don't want me to have any privacy!" I said angrily, holding my dinner in a bowl in my hand. "This entire time I've barely had one moment to myself and it's not damn natural!"

"We were only looking out for you!" One of them exclaimed, but at this stage I did not care who.

"I don't need looking after, something I have proved time and time again." I glared at them each in turn and they all averted their eyes. "Now, I am going somewhere to eat my dinner alone, and if one of you dares to follow me, I swear I will cut your beard off!"

I finished loudly, turning on my heel and storming away, pleased by the stunned silence that followed.

Now I just had to find somewhere I could be alone.

I knew outside wouldn't cut it, I would be disturbed sooner or later, so now I just had to pick one out of the many rooms in the elven kingdom on which one would suit best.

I found one seemingly buried away in the deep part of Rivendell, and rather happy with myself, I walked in and plonked myself down on the floor, ready to start eating.

I guess I should've checked whether the room was empty first.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?"

I recognised the deep voice immediately, as it was one I generally tried to avoid getting to talk.

Thorin stood there with a raised eyebrow, and I stared at him, still in shock. My eyes then wandered, my brain not entirely processing the reason as to why he was wet, and I took in his bare chest, dark hair covering it generously, well shaped and toned. The hair cleared as it went to his stomach, just as nice to look at it, that led down to-

He cleared his throat, breaking my train of thought.

My shock turned to horror and sheer embarrassment and I felt my face burning like it never had before.

"Mahal Thorin! I am so sorry! I just-I just-" I was stammering, I couldn't help it. I'd been admiring him from afar for so long and suddenly to see him like this, it really did put my imagination to shame.

"It is alright." He said quietly and with a smirk I couldn't miss, even as he turned his back to me.

I still sat, completely frozen. He dipped his head under the running water from the wall, washing out the mess from his hair and giving me a very nice view of his backside. My brain really wasn't functioning properly, I should have been running for the hills.

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