Kili ~ Alone 5

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"You're what?"

Freya sighed.  "I cannot go with you."

The dwarves stared at Freya, all worn and weary, Smaug's attack having taken it's toll, but they still knew they had to keep going.

"Freya, you can't stay here..."  Kili said quietly, limping closer.  "We need you at the mountain."

But she shakes her head.  "You know as well as I do Kili that I do not belong there, that I will not be accepted there.  Besides," She looks around at the struggling people of Laketown.  "I think I am currently needed more here."

"No," Kili said firmly and took her hand, his eyes pleading.  "I will talk to Thorin, I will convince the others.  I need you there Freya.  Please."

Freya wanted to, she couldn't deny that, she desperately wanted to go with them, but after what had happened in Mirkwood, she knew she could not, not without risking herself.  "Kili..."

His hand gripped hers firmer and she could feel the slight shake in them.  "Freya, please."

"I can't Kili, you know I can't."  She squeezed his hand gently before letting go and stepping back.  "Once things get sorted...once it's okay, I will come.  I promise."

Kili's shoulders sink a little, his eyes shining.  Fili rests a hand on his shoulder, nodding at Freya.  "Come on Kili, she knows what she is doing."

Kili chews the inside of his cheek, but nods.  "Be careful Freya."

Freya nods and goes to turn away, but Kili catches her hand, making her pause and look back at him, his gaze intense.  "I mean it Freya.  I...I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt.  I will make Thorin see...I promise."

With that, he kisses her hand and hurries back after the others, giving a final glance back at her, where she still stood frozen and watched them move the boat into the lake, hurrying as much as they could to reach the others.

Tauriel watched Freya, watched the longing in her eyes as she kept the boat in her gaze as long as she could.  "You should have gone with them."

Freya blinks and sighs, finally looking away.  "I couldn't, even though I wanted to, but I wouldn't be welcomed.  Not truly."

"Being here has it's dangers too, you know that."  Tauriel continued quietly.  "Especially if Thranduil arrives."

"I know," Freya nods.  "But currently here is where I am needed more."

"And Kili?"

Freya holds Tauriel's gaze for a moment before breaking away.  "He will be okay."  She then stares at the people around them.  "I need to help."

Freya was grateful for the distraction, the way her heart was tugging at her was making her feel ill, but Bard was quickly getting her working.  He had thanked her profusely for helping his children, who introduced them, but they both knew that there was much to do.

When they reached the ruins of Dale, Freya was quick to find the highest point she could, staring at the gates to the city.

She wanted to go in, but she knew now more than ever that she couldn't.

Bard found her.  "You should be resting, there is still much to do."

Freya sighs.  "I can't."

Bard's look was sympathetic.  "Word from the wise Freya, worrying does little for the heart."

She glances back at him as he gives a small bow and leaves her be.  Her eyes return to the gates, the fires burning either side, and she silently sat, leaning against the wall with a sigh, and intended to stay on watch.

She was rudely awoken by two elves hauling her to her feet, making her yelp loudly and struggle, but their grips remained firm as they dragged her forward, leading her down to where Thranduil was waiting in his tent.

Angrily, she shrugged them off.  "What is the meaning of this?  You can't just-"

"You are an escaped prisoner, I can do as I see fit."  Thranduil said coldly.  "And you will hold your tongue until I speak to you."

"If you were hoping for my pliancy then you are doing this the wrong way Thranduil."  She snarled.  "I've already told you I owe you nothing."

Thranduil's movement was quick, his hand held firmly over her jaw as his blue eyes flashed dangerously.  "I have told you once to be quiet, I will not ask again before I cut out your tongue."

"Thranduil," It was Bard's voice that cut the tension in the air as Freya and Thranduil held each other's gaze.  "Freya has been helping my people, if it weren't for her we would not have gotten here as quick as we did, many more would've perished, so I would appreciate it if you would let her go."

Thranduil steps back and Freya resists the urge to rub her jaw.  "She is an escaped prisoner, I expect her to be treated as such, no matter-"

"She is my guest."  Bard continued calmly.  "And as far as I'm concerned, we are currently in this situation together.  We need all the help we can get, so taking out your feud with Thorin on her, is not going to help."

"Then I trust you will be responsible for any of her actions then."  Thranduil said coldly.  "Because someone of her blood cannot be trusted."

Bard stood firm, his gaze flickering to Freya for a moment.  "The last I checked, someones blood didn't measure their heart."

Thranduil snorts, looking less than impressed.  "Believe what you wish, she will be watched.  We can't have her running off to warn them of anything."

"I'm out here as much as you."  Freya growled.  "So why don't you just-"

"Freya," Bard's hand rested on her shoulder.  "Would you mind checking on my children for me?"

Freya stared at him, before shooting a final look at Thranduil and storming out, cursing the elf under her breath, and even louder when she realised one of the elves was following her, who just glares at her from under his helmet.

Bard's children were of some comfort, and she was quick to help them and the others still capable with tending still to the wounds of the people.

Bard found them sometime later and quickly took Freya from the room to speak to her quietly.  "Freya, is there any reason why Thorin would be so unreasonable?"

Freya let's out a slow breath.  "Because he's a stubborn old, traditional dwarf?"

Bard shakes his head.  "No, this was more than that, it was...cold."

"I don't know," She said, but looked worried, feeling her fear peak up again.  "What happened?"

He runs a hand through his hair.  "I went and spoke with Thorin, but he is refusing anything that he promised.  The others stepped back and did nothing.  I knew that there would be problems, but I never thought that it would be anything like this."

"I'm sure Thranduil and his army aren't helping."  Freya glanced around at the elves, strategically placed around the city, sending a scowl back at the one that was still following her.  "Unfortunately I don't think much choice is being granted to us."

"Could you talk to him?"

Freya gave a sad chuckle.  "No Bard, Thorin is more likely to try and kill me on sight than allow me to talk.  He is convinced that I betrayed them to Thranduil, so it's not going to end well, it is part of the reason that I stayed."

Bard sighs.  "Tomorrow, Thranduil intends to go to war.  My people are not ready for this but we are willing to do what is necessary, I need to know that you are willing to do that too."

Taking a moment, Freya draws in a deep breath.  She was already involved in this, had been as soon as she offered to help, and she wasn't about to leave this now.  She couldn't leave Kili.

Swallowing hard, Freya nods.  "I'm not going anywhere Bard.  I've got too much to lose here too."

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