Thranduil ~ Book 3

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It had been a long few months. I'd been struggling to write the third book, not because I was short of what to write, I knew where it had to go, but because I now had a distraction.


I had never really thought that such a thing was possible, that the king would be interested in one such as I.

But he was.


And it was infuriatingly distracting.

He'd tried to get me to move my things to his private study, and at first, I did, but it only lasted a few days once I realised I was going to get little done with him sitting on the other side of the room, no matter how much I wanted to write.

So I returned to the library and my wall of books.

But then, his visits became more frequent.

I would never hear him approach, but I always feel when his gaze fell on me and I knew I was going to get no more writing done.

I kept telling myself that it meant nothing, that the King was merely interested in my writing.

A kiss proved me wrong.

It had been late, the air chilly as the last of winter faded away, and I had been focused on completing the third chapter of my book.

I didn't even feel Thranduil's gaze on me this time, his hands wrapping his coat once again around my shoulders.

"If you insist on sitting in the cold, please at least wear something warm." He said gently.

I bristle slightly, very rarely surprised by his presence any more. "I am fine, the cold is fading."

I could feel him observing me as I had not turned to face him. "When was the last time you rested?"

"I was going to once I finished this chapter." I said curtly. "Something you are currently preventing me from doing."

His hands, which had not left my shoulders, tensed slightly. "Have I upset you?"

I let out the breath I hadn't realised I was holding. "No...I don't know. I just want to focus on my work and are very distracting."

I glance up at him, in time to see him wipe the slight smirk from his lips.

"Distracting? I simply make sure you are taking care of yourself." He said.

I huff with impatience, shaking his hands off as I stand. "Look Thranduil, I have managed to survive so far, there is no need to keep checking on me. I still eat, I still sleep-"

"In the chair." Thranduil's gaze takes me in, seeing that it had been a while since my last proper sleep. "You will make yourself sick."

"I haven't been yet." I said angrily. "Now, I have a few pages to go and then I will go and sleep. Is that good enough?"

"No." The smirk came back to his lips and I knew he was teasing. "Because you are clearly over tired now, that is why you are getting upset with me." He holds out his hand. "Come, I know of a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed."

I did not take his hand. "Thranduil, I am not leaving until-"

He doesn't let me finish, taking my hand himself and gently pulling me away from my book. I resisted, despite my tiredness.

"This is not funny Thranduil." I said as he realised I wasn't going to move.

Thranduil doesn't release my hand, instead entwining our fingers as he turns back to face me, a tilt in his head. "Does me trying to help really upset you so?"

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