Bard ~ Queen

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The idea of being queen, terrified you and yet, there Bard was, asking for your hand in marriage, the king of Dale down on one knee before you, a ring he specially ordered from Erebor glittering in the evening light.

"Bard," Your throat hurt as your eyes filled with tears. "Surely...surely you don't want me to be queen? I...I am not cut out for such a role, I mean...that's...that's..."

But Bard's gaze never left yours. "There is no one else I would rather have at my side than you."

He knew of your reluctance in this, you had discussed it many times as your relationship grew after the battle of the five armies, you were, after all, a warrior and hardly made of queen material.

You shouldn't be nervous about this, you'd taken on damn trolls before, but this was something bigger than you now, you were expected to help lead an entire people, and when you're a natural loner, that wasn't something easily done.

"Please Y/N," He says quietly. "I know you can do this, that we can do this, together."

Your cheeks warmed as you stared at him. You loved him, you knew that almost straight away, as he with you, and you had defended each other and helped each other since.

Bard takes your hands in his, placing the small box in the center and wrapping your hands around it as he stands and steps close to you.

"I am here for you, forever and always." He kisses your forehead. "No matter what comes, you will not be alone. We will face what comes together."

You wanted to say yes and he knew it, but your nerves were in control.

"But, your children-"

"Love and adore you as I do."

"The people will never accept-"

"They respect you as who you are, queen or not. They do not expect you to change."


"Y/N," Bard's voice was soft and soothing. "There is nothing you can say that will convince me to change my mind. I love you and want you to be my queen, to rule by my side. With all my heart, Y/N, I mean this."

Your heart was hammering as you tried to think of more excuses. A part of you hated yourself for being terrified of such a thing when you had seen so much.

Bard was making sure it was hard to think, his fingers trailing up your arms and shoulders, along your neck till his hands cupped your cheeks and he leans in close.

His mouth lingered barely above yours. "What do I have to do to convince you?"

"Kiss me." The words left your mouth before you could even process them, your heart beating faster but for a very different reason.

His lips pressed gently and eagerly against yours and within moments you were breathless, your arms wrapping around him as he deepens the kiss.

Bard knew you overthought things, knew that you did so until you convinced yourself it was something bad, so he made sure to distract you.

The kissing grew more intense as he pushed you against the wall of your bedroom, a breathy moan leaving your lips as his hands squeezed your legs, the fire already building between you.

The bedroom door opens and you have a split second to break apart before Sigrid steps into view.

"Did she say yes, Da?" Sigrid asks, grinning from ear to ear.

Both your faces flushed, you glance at each other, before your eyes wonder to the box in your hand.

Slowly, you open it and remove the ring.

It fits perfectly on your finger.

"Yes." You smile and Sigrid cheers, calling the other two in before running over to you and wrapping you in a tight hug.

Bane and Tilda come into the room, also smiling and running over, joining in the tight hug.

Bard closes it, one arm around you, the other on his children. He kisses you lightly. "Thank you love."

You smile at him, the nerves still burning away inside you, but at least you knew you had him.

The children all start talking and it takes you a moment before realising that they are all calling you Mama, and as you realise this, the bubble of joy that had been overwhelmed by the nerves suddenly bursts clear and tears begin to spill from your eyes.

Bard grips you tighter, placing a kiss to your temple, the smile warm on his face.

He leans to down to your ear. "See, love, what were you worried about?"

"Absolutely nothing, my love." You say, wrapping your arms around him.

"Children," The three of them stop to look at their father, joy in all their faces. "Would you give us a moment please? Perhaps summon Percy so we can let the people know."

They all agree and run from the room, leaving Bard to pull you close again.

"Thank you." He breathes. "You truly have made me that happiest man alive."

You giggle. "And you have made me the happiest woman."

He kisses the tears still rolling down your cheeks, his entwining with yours and his thumb brushing over the ring on your finger. "The people will be happy too, many have asked me when I would ask you to be mine."

You look at him, surprised. "Really?"

He beams at you. "Everyday." He brings your hand up and kisses it. "My lady, my love, my Y/N, you truly had nothing to fear."

"Not even another dragon coming to take Erebor?"

Bard chuckles. "No, not even that, and even if one did," he dips down and playfully nibbles your ear, causing you to giggle. "I am the dragon slayer."

"The troll fighter and the dragon slayer, that certainly is a combination."

"Indeed." Bard kisses your hand again and starts to pull you towards the door. "Come, the people are no doubt waiting by now, we can finish this later."

You didn't fail to see the mischievous grin and it just caused you to laugh as you brought you out of your room. He teased you the whole way, knowing if he let you think, you would not step outside to the people you could now hear cheering.

But step outside together you did, greeted by the people of Dale cheering for their King and his soon to be Queen. The thought might still have terrified you a little, even as you shyly wave to them, but with Bard's arm around you, you knew he wasn't going anywhere fast.

You could do this, together.

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