Kili ~ Charge 7

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Emilyssia had argued intensely when Thorin told Kili to stay behind, to the point where she demanded to be left behind too, much to the hopeful gaze of Kili.

Dwalin would have none of it.



"You said-"

"No Emilyssia.  I'm not leaving you here."

"Pa, this isn't-"

"No."  He said sternly, then his gaze softens. "Kili needs to rest.  They will catch up."

Emilyssia looked at him defeated, sharing a longing gaze with Kili before climbing into the boat.

"Tell me one thing and do another."  She mumbles quietly to herself, sitting as far as she could from the others, watching the mountain grow close.

Dwalin watches her, worried.  "Now she's angry with me."

Balin gives a sad smile.  "You'll manage.  Plus, if the lad is as sick as we think, she didn't want to be there for that."

Dwalin didn't look convinced.

Once they reached and opened the door, Emilyssia sat to wait, looking miserable.

Dwalin sat next to her.  "Are you alright?"

"No."  Was all she said.

Dwalin sighs.  "I did what I thought was best Emilyssia.  If those orcs attacked and I wasn't there-"

"I can protect myself."

"I know."  He said quietly.  "But I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if anything had happened."  When she wouldn't look at him, he touches her arm gently.  "Emilyssia, I know what I said, and I'm sorry I had to drag you away, this will work out, I promise."

She didn't look at him and he eventually sighs and walks away.  Emilyssia didn't want to make him upset with her, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Emilyssia jumped, feeling a flare of fire more powerful than anything she had felt before, and she scrambled to her feet as the mountain rumbled.

She barely heard the others talk about the dragon, she was more trying to calm herself now, the feeling of fire having sent something unknown through her.

The dwarves rushed in to help Bilbo, Dwalin practically having to drag her as she staggered when Smaug erupted flames at them.

She whimpered, it almost hurt.

"Come on, we've got to keep going."  Dwalin said, his arm hooked under hers.

They snuck through the halls, hoping they could quietly find a way out.

But it was blocked.

They then knew they had to try and take Smaug down.

Emilyssia went with Dwalin, following him close.

Dwalin shouted at Smaug and as the great dragon turned, Emilyssia knew she couldn't move.

The others were running but she stood her ground as the dragon roared, fire spewing forth.

She wasn't afraid anymore.

"No!"  Dwalin roared as he looked back, just in time to see her engulfed by flames.

But the flames made it no further than her, almost stopping dead around her.

Emilyssia was breathing heavily, her hands up as she fought against the dragon to control it, she wasn't sure why, but it felt like she finally understood her gift and why it had been given to her.

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