Fili ~ Lost 2

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It had been just over a year now since the Durin brothers had rescued you from being lost in the wilds, and the three of you had become very good friends in that time.

The brothers very rarely left your side, usually only when Thorin wanted them to do something. However, today was different.

After the three of you had been wondering the week before, a heavy storm had fallen over the land, and all three of you were drenched by the time you reached home. Not that it dampened your spirits, you were still eager to laugh and giggle, and act like children when you decided to run through the puddles.

You and Fili had come out fine, poor Kili had not.

He was now sick to the bone in bed, and growing very tired of hearing a scalding from his worried mother.

So, today was just you and Fili.

He came by your house to pick you up and you greeted him with a warm smile.

"I almost didn't expect you to want to leave your home without that brother of yours." You say with a wink.

Fili snorts. "What? Do you need him to hold your hand?"

"Of course not, and he wouldn't dare try unless he wanted to lose it." You both laugh and soon head out together.

It was an almost comfortable silence. You weren't about to let Fili know, but you were bothered today, and you did kind of want to be alone.

Fili, however, still noticed. "Are you alright?"

You looked up, a little startled. Fili's blue gaze was curious.

"Of course."

"You are very quiet."

You bit your lip a little, you knew that Fili knew you well. He was more focused than Kili, so he listened more, but this was private, and much as you told the brothers almost everything, this was different.

"I'm sure Kili will be up and about in no time."

"What?" You stared at him and watched his cheeks go a little red.

"Is that not what you are worried about?"

You laugh, shaking your head. "No Fili, it's a lot more complicated than that."

He watches you as you keep walking, looking at the almost defeated sink in your shoulders. Gently, he puts his arm around you.

"What is it y/n?" He asks gently. "You can tell me."

You sigh, comforted by his embrace, but still hesitant on whether or not to say.

"I really shouldn't say, Fili." You said sadly. "'s a family matter."

Fili frowns at this. "You have told me of such things before?"

"I...I know, but this is just a little more personal than normal." You step away gently. "Don't worry, I'll tell you when I can." Then, you broke into a grin and hit him playfully on the arm. "Tag! You're it!"

Bolting away, Fili's laughter following you, you were welcome of the distraction.

A few hours later, you both found yourself sitting by a small lake, your shoes thrown off and your bare feet in the cool, clear water.

Fili was swinging his feet, making small ripples across the water. "I still reckon I won." He glanced at you with a smirk.

You snort. "No, you cheated."

"There's no rules against tickling."

"No, but there are rules against holding, and to tickle me, you had to hold me." He'd had you in stitches until you'd begged him to stop.

"Well, you shouldn't have let me catch you."

You roll your eyes at the blonde dwarf, and lean back to enjoy the sun on your face.

Fili watched you, watched your eyes shut in contentment and your skin glow in the sunlight.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

Fili's words took you by surprise and you look at him with wide eyes.

The prince looked a little abashed that he had been so forward, but he still smiles. "I mean it."

You felt your cheeks burn. You'd worked out a while ago that both brothers had an affection for you.

"T-thank you." You finally reply in a small voice, making your cheeks burn hotter.

That was when the thought of what was bothering you returned.

You hurried to your feet.

"We...we should be going. It'll be getting late soon."

Fili raised an eyebrow, watching as you scramble to your feet.

"It is only just past noon. Here I was thinking that it was only your sense of direction was off, clearly so is your time of day."

You wince at his comment. "I...I want to head home Fili."

But Fili does not move, he stares out over the water. "You know, if you prefer my brother, you can just tell me, I will understand."

It took a moment for his words to sink in. He'd sounded so...resigned, as if it was something he already knew.


But he shakes his head. "It is alright, y/n, I'd suspected as such for a while anyway."

"Fili, it's not like that." You said and he turns to look at you, his eyes hiding hope.

"Then what is it?"

"I...I can't tell you Fili."


"Because...I just can't, okay."

But clearly, this wasn't going to satisfy Fili, who frowns darkly.

"What is it, that is so horrible, you can't talk to me about it? You talk to me about everything else."

It was true, you often went to Fili when you needed to talk.

"This is different Fili...this...this will change a lot of things." You could see the anger in his expression. "If it's any comfort, I don't like it as much as you do."

"So tell me!"

"I can't!"

Fili stood angrily, you could tell your reluctance was hurting him.

"Why? After all this, can't you just tell me?"

"Because I love you, dammit, and don't want to see you get hurt!" You clasped your hands over your mouth, not having intended for those words to spill out.

Fili had frozen, staring at you, his mouth hanging open.

The words were true, you'd fallen for the prince not long after you met, but you'd never dared to say anything, believing that the three of you would remain just friends.

With this admission out in the open however, the reality of your situation came crashing down hard upon you, and you sobbed.

This seemed to break Fili out of his trance and he took a careful step forward.


You backed away, choking back tears. He reached for you, but before he could stop you, you turned and bolted. He called after you, but with all the emotions tumbling through you, you could not stop.

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