Thorin ~ Accidents 10

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When Louisa came to, she was a little disorientated, taking a moment to regather herself and focus on everyone around camp as they realised she was awake, many instantly asking how she was feeling.

At first, all she could do was shake her head, not really knowing how to answer, but when Sirius ran over to her, whining happily, she easily held him to her, scratching his ears to comfort him and letting out a slow sigh of relief, feeling somewhat safe.

"Where are we?"  She asked first, finally finding her voice.

"A day off the Carrock," Gandalf answered.  "We figured we'd be safe enough to take a short rest for the night."

Louisa nods a little absently, something feeling off, and it wasn't until she saw Thorin on the other side of camp that she realised what it was.

He didn't trust her anymore.

She swallows, resisting the urge to hold where the necklace was under her shirt.

"Are you feeling alright Louisa?"  Gandalf asked, passing her a bowl of food.

"I think so," Louisa said quietly, knowing that now was not the time to mention it, she had a feeling that Thorin hadn't told anyone else of what he'd seen.  "I guess it took a lot more out of me than I thought it would."

"It certainly did," Gandalf sat comfortably next to her.  "But it also showed that you are getting a lot stronger than what you've given yourself credit for."

She nods a little and then silently eats, trying to ignore the constant glower that was directed at her from Thorin.

The following days she had little time to worry as they were forced to run, Azog and his orcs being much closer than what they had originally thought.  For a while she had let Sirius run beside her, but soon the pup wasn't keeping up and she once again had to carry him, the extra weight on her back meaning she could her focus there instead of letting her mind wonder.

The reveal that there could be something potentially worse than the orcs out there had her more than a little annoyed at Gandalf.

"Why didn't you mention this before?"  She asked furiously as they ran.

"I was hoping we could avoid it."  He said back but glanced at her.  "I'm surprised you couldn't sense him."

"Oh well, forgive me for not being able to sense one thing when there's so much else going on."  Louisa growled.  "At least I didn't know and not tell anyone."

They didn't have any more time to argue, focusing on running and escaping the two adversaries now after them and it wasn't until they reached the house that Louisa felt it, turning from the back of the company as a large bear burst from the the forest towards them.

Whatever this bear was, wasn't ordinary, and it echoed pain, different to what she was used to feeling from those around her, something deeper, and she actually found she was taking a step forward.

Gandalf grabbed her.  "This is not something that you can easily chase away Louisa, I suggest not."  But his gaze was dragged away from her as the dwarves struggle to open the door, and Louisa is once again drawn back to the bear charging towards them.

She actually stepped towards it, unafraid, just as the dwarves managed to get the door open and pile inside.

Thorin was first to look back.  "Louisa!"

The bear slid to a halt in front of her as she stood before it, holding it's gaze as it growled and breathed heavily, clearly deciding what to do.  Feeling no sense of fear, Louisa held up her hand towards it, even as the dwarves at the door struggled to hold Thorin back, and yet, the bear did not move as her hand got closer.

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