Thranduil ~ Night

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The day had passed in such a blur that, for a moment, the new Queen of the Woodland realm thought that it hadn't existed. It was all such a mix of nerves, excitement, joy and laughter, that she wasn't entirely sure what she should be feeling at the end of it all.

Now she sat staring at herself in the mirror, the crown adorned her head, and she couldn't quite believe that this had all happened.

She gently touches it and a smile comes to her lips.


She turns to look at Thranduil, his cool blue stare admiring her from the doorway.

"Glewair." She stands and curtseys a little, still smiling.

Thranduil's gaze never left hers. "You do not need to be so formal, we are wed now, remember?"

She giggled and spun in her elegant dress. "I'm sure I could never forget today Thranduil."

His eyes sweep over her as she turns, before landing back on her eyes as she returns to face him and he smiles warmly. "And me, my Míriel. Everything went perfectly."

"It did." She then held out her arms. "My I have a hug from my husband?"

Thranduil strides forward, but instead of hugging her, he grabs her by the waist and spins her high around, earning a loud, joyful laugh. He returns her to the ground, pulling her close.

"I am lucky to have you my Queen." He breathed, resting his head against hers.

She wraps her arms around his neck, still grinning. "Well, someone has to put up with you."

He hums and places a quick kiss to her lips. "Indeed, and now you are stuck with me for good."

"Well, I'm sure I can live with that." She pulls him down for another kiss, this one firmer and lasting longer.

Thranduil pulls away again. "Let's get that crown off your head before we damage it." Gently his fingers lift the crown up and put it on the dresser, his own crown following.

As he turns back around, she wraps her arms tightly around him, pressing herself against him and burying her head into his chest. Thranduil's wrap securely around her.

"Thank you." She breathed.

"For what?"

"For making sure it was all perfect."

"Anything for you." He said softly, one of his hands trailing to her hair, gently brushing his fingers through the golden strands. "Just as tonight is all up to you."

The Queen tensed a little, Thranduil pretending not to feel it, but she sighs and looks up at him with bright green eyes.

"Glewair..." She began, but Thranduil places a finger over her lips.

"I mean it Míriel, I know this concerns you."

She sighs and leans into his hand as he cups her cheek. "But I want to give you as much as you have given me."

"Bellinil, you know I would never expect such a thing, not until you were entirely comfortable." He takes her head in both his hands. "And I know you are not."

She bites her lip and avoids his eye. It was true, it was something that had been bothering her for a while, and he knew, although it had taken a long time for him to get her to talk about it, as originally this was the reason she would say no to marrying him.

Eventually, out of frustration, he got it out of her.

And had been nothing but understanding since.

She sighs, leaning back into his chest. "I'm sorry." She mumbles.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Míriel, you will know when you are ready and that is all I can ask for."


"Hush, we are wed now, let us just enjoy the night together." He gently takes her hand and leads her to their balcony.

The air was crisp and the smell of autumn allowed her shoulders to relax. The woods were dark around them, peppered with small lights, enough for the sentries to see by, and it was peaceful.

They sat overlooking their kingdom, Bellinil resting her head against Thranduil's shoulder as his arm wraps securely around her.

"We have all the time in the world my love," he said softly. "We are in no rush."

She sighs and snuggles closer to him. "Thank you Glewair."

Later that night, when they both decided they were ready for bed, was when the Queens nerves really set in. She stayed behind her screen suddenly very self conscious of her night dress.

"Bellinil?" Thranduil's voice asked curiously.

"Yes?" She squeaked and then mentally scalded herself.

A low chuckle echoed to her and she felt herself blush furiously.

"Míriel come, you need not be foolish, you are still clothed."

He was right, but it wasn't entirely that which was bothering her. It was the idea of sharing a bed with him.

She had always been naturally shy and quiet and it was that which Thranduil had fallen in love with. It had taken time, but she slowly began to talk to him and he made a promise to bring her out of her shell.

He had never been happier when she finally accepted to be his Queen.

But they both knew that more patience was going to be needed.

She let out a slow, steadying breath. She was being silly, Thranduil was her husband now and she loved him dearly.

The Queen leaves the safety of her screen, her hands unconsciously knotted in her gown.

Thranduil was already under the covers, patiently waiting by reading a book. His gaze comes up slowly, meeting her gaze and he smiles warmly.

"You look beautiful Míriel, and also tired. Come." He pats the bed gently.

Her face turning red, she walks over climbs under the covers. Thranduil puts his book and they sit in silence for a long awkward moment.

She jumps as his fingers brush through her hair. "S-sorry..." She squeaks again.

Thranduil just chuckles. "You do not have to apologize all the time dear, as much as that squeak is very adorable."

This made the Queen frown and she went to argue with him had he not chosen that moment to steal a kiss.

She relaxed against him, the feeling of his lips familiar and making all her worries disappear. Thranduil's fingers moved into her hair, keeping her close as he deepened the kiss.

A sigh left her lips, her hands bunching into his robe, and he gently nipped her bottom her lip.

They had sunk down into the bed before he broke awake, his eyes dark.

He gently brushed her cheek. "Better?"

She smiled at him and nods. "Much."

His finger starts to twirl one of her long strands of hair as his eyes observe her. "Bellinil?"


"I love you, with all my heart Míriel."

"And I love you." She beams as his gaze drifts back to her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulls him the short distance back down to her.

It was some time before they both settled down to sleep, the night broken by their quiet whispers and stolen kisses. The Queen eventually tucked herself tightly against her King, his arms around her.

He bade her goodnight but she was already in a deep and peaceful sleep. Thranduil had a quiet chuckle to himself before too, allowing himself to drift off into the night.

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