Thorin ~ Privacy 2

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My head was hurting badly, I'd taken a nasty blow from one of Azog's orcs and was now suffering painful consequences.

The dwarves had done their best to patch it up atop the rock, enough to stop the bleeding, but it wasn't until we reached Beorn's, that they had been able to properly treat it.

And now I had one killer headache.

I was sitting in the darkest corner I could find, a cool rag around my neck, resting against the wall with my eyes shut.

Quiet footsteps approached me, unfortunately even quiet they made my head thump. I half opened one eye to see a blurry outline of Thorin standing in front of me.

"Hello." I said, my voice hoarse.

"How are you feeling?" He asked quietly, sitting next to me.

"Marvelous." I shut my eyes again, pretending that his voice didn't hurt my head.

"Here." He wraps my fingers around something solid. "Beorn said this would help."

"What is it?"

"Some sort of drink. He said it was good for pain."

I sigh. "I don't think my stomach will handle anything Thorin."

"Please, try, for my sake of not your own."

"Your sake?"

"I..." He sighs. "I am sorry you got hurt. It's killing me to see you like this."

"It's not your fault. I didn't see the bastard coming."

"Yes but if I hadn't charged foolishly out, you wouldn't have followed."

Despite the pain, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was staring at his knees.

"Thorin." He raised his eyes to meet mine. "I am a warrior, I know the consequences of my own battles. This wasn't your fault." I smile at him. "Anyway, if you hadn't charged out first, I would of."

"And I would've tied you to that tree." He laughs softly and kisses my forehead. "Point taken, although it doesn't make me feel any better."

"Maybe you should drink this." I tried to give the mug back to him, but he just returned his hand around mine.

"No, you need to drink it."

I fake a pout and slowly lift the mug to my lips and take a sip. The drink was surprisingly sweet, but had a horrible bitter after taste that made me cringe. I finished the mug and Thorin took it off me, putting it on the floor next to him.

"Here." He lifts his arm up, opening up his chest so I can curl up into him, something I gratefully accept. He waits till I get comfortable before wrapping his arm around me. "Get some rest. I'm here if anything happens."

I can't help but snort, but I shut my eyes, letting his steady heart beat send me off into sleep.

I stir restlessly. Something had disturbed me. At first, I couldn't pin point what it was, I was, after all, very warm and comfortable. After a moment, however, I figured it out.

I was alone.

I sat up, Thorin's coat falling off my shoulders, my head feeling very clear. Looking around, the room was very dark and smelt of smoke.

Was there a fire?

I scrambled to my feet, silently hoping everyone was okay and that they hadn't just left me here.

The orange glow from under the door made me stop, my heart hammering.

What was going on?

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