Eomer ~ Lord

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Based on an imagine found here: http://imaginexhobbit.tumblr.com/post/139373955630/imagine-eomer-hating-it-when-you-call-him-king

Eomer stared quite openly at you, it had been so since he had first met you after the battle of Helm's Deep, since you had guided the women and children out into the now safe halls and then starting to help the wounded.

He'd had little time to talk to you with battles still looming on the horizon, but you remained in the back of his mind.

Now, he was King and it was forever frustrating to him that you only recognised him as such.

"My Lord?"

Eomer starts to find you there looking at him, sincerity in your gaze.

"Is everything alright?" You asked.

Eomer nods. "Of course, my apologies if I interrupted you."

But you just curtsey politely. "It is no problem my Lord, you just looked like you were troubled."

He shakes his head. "I am fine Y/N, you need not worry for me."

"You are my King, of course I worry." You smile warmly. "Please sir, if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask."

Eomer watched as you walked away, irritation beating at him, not at you, but at himself. If he had any sort of courage, he would just talk to you instead of having you serve him faithfully. Not that he had asked, the call had gone around that new maids were needed to serve the King and she had been one of the first to come forward.

Sighing, he rubs his eyes, the days having seemed long of late, trying to negotiate deals with Gondor. It wasn't that King Aragorn wasn't reasonable, it was his advisors that were causing problems. He stands and decides that tonight he would call it early.

It also meant that he wouldn't keep bothering you.

Once in his room, he focused on writing some letters that he'd been putting off for days, it worked for a time, but as he started to get tired of the work, his mind wandered again.

The first time you had officially met was after everyone's return from the final battle and celebration had filled the streets. Without thinking, Eomer had scooped you up into his arms and spun you round, but even then, there was little time for talk, the city falling to mourning their lost king.

Eomer sighed. He had a lot to live up to, his uncle, despite what had happened, had been a good man and king. Eowyn always assured him he would live up to it.

He was never so sure.

The way he saw it, if he couldn't even ask you to court him, then how could he be worthy of ruling his kingdom.

Without realising, Eomer found himself pacing. Surely there was something he could do, he could not spend his days gritting his teeth after you calling him my Lord or King all the time.

He wanted to be greeted by name, like it meant something.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

Glad of the sudden distraction, he sighs. "Come in."

It was you who entered, a tray of food before you. "Apologies my lord, but the cook insisted that I bring you some supper."

Eomer had frozen for a moment before nodding. "Of course he did, he is always insisting I do not eat enough."

You smile as you place the tray on his table. "No doubt with extra encouragement from Lady Eowyn."

"Probably." He had to admit to himself, he was rather hungry.

"Well, I will leave you in peace again my King, I did not mean to disturb." You curtseyed and started to leave.

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