Thorin ~ Puffy

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I was laughing so hard, it hurt. I had to hold my sides just to try and ease the pain, even as I rolled to the side, the laughter uncontrollable.

The Company just stared at me, having no idea what had caused this outburst. We had been traveling for days, and I don't know whether it was because I was tired, but the thought that had gone through my head had caused the insane laughter that was now leaving my mouth.

I'd been watching Thorin, he'd been in deep conversation with Dwalin and Balin, I hadn't been watching intentionally, as much as he was nice to look at it. The thought had come unbidden, just as I was observing his height, his stance, the damned coat he so fond of, and I realised something.

He was puffy.

And now tears were pouring from my eyes as I lay in the dirt holding my sides.

It probably wasn't that funny, but after being on a pony, in the rain, I was more than a little tired.

"Are you alright lass?" Bofur asked me, the first one to recover from the shock of my laughter.

But I couldn't stop. Our noble, often grumpy, leader, was puffy.

"I think her minds snapped."

All I could do was shake my head, incapable of speech.

Balin's mouth twitched to a small smile. "I think its just been a long day, I think she could use some rest."

Still laughing, I managed to control it enough to sit up and wipe my eyes, but as soon as I looked up at Thorin again, a new fit overtook me.

Thorin raised an eyebrow. "Did I do something?"

There was no way I was going to tell him, so again, I just shook my head.

The Company all just gave me worried, concerned glances, and returned to what they were doing while I tried to control the last of my giggling.

Despite my tiredness (and constant giggles) it was my turn to take watch that night, so I sat as far away from the Company as I dared so as my occasional giggles wouldn't wake them.

I was just settling down when there was a voice behind me.

"Care to tell me what was so funny now?"

I titled my head back to look at Thorin, and grinned. "Not really."

He snorts and sits next to me, close enough that our shoulders where touching.

"It made you look rather ridiculous, laughing on the ground like that." He looks sideways at me, a smirk on his lips.

But it just made me giggle again. "Sure, I look ridiculous." He just raised an eyebrow and I finally gave an amused sigh. "You're puffy."

"I'm what?"


His confused look just made me giggle harder and he had to give a hard poke in the ribs to shut me up.

"That coat, and you standing there before, just made you look so puffy." I grinned, rubbing my ribs.

Thorin frowns. "But you like this coat?"

I lean into him, playfully. "Yeah, so? You are still puffy."

He seemed less then impressed with my comment, but I still giggled. I knew the chances of being scalded for it were high, he was usually like that with jokes against him, instead I was more than surprised when his warm coat was wrapped around my shoulders.

"What are you doing?"

"It is a cold night, I wouldn't want you to get sick." His grin didn't match his words though.

I gave him a suspicious look and now it was his turn to chuckle. "Now you are puffy too."

I was stunned at his mischievous grin, it was one that didn't show very often, usually only reminiscent in the grins of his nephews.

I snort. "At least you still know how to have some fun."

His arm snuck under his coat and around my waist, pulling me in close so he could press his lips to my ear.

"I know how to have lots of fun."

The growl in his voice caused me to shudder, and hit his leg hard.

"Don't do that you ass, we are in camp."

He chuckles and presses a kiss to my cheek. "Your point?"

"My point, Thorin Oakenshield, is that-" He'd turned my head to capture my lips with his, very effectively cutting me off.

The kiss was gentle, but deep, my lips very eagerly following his, forgetting what I was about to say to him.

He pulls away, my lips chasing his, and he was grinning, knowing exactly what he'd just done.

I rolled my eyes. "Puffy and smug."

"And cold." With that, he pulls me into his lap, causing me to squeak as he wraps his arms around me under his coat, before nuzzling into my neck. He chuckles. "That was adorable."

I huffed. "You could've just gone to go sleep for the night."

"Where's the fun in that?" His grip tightens. "Then I wouldn't be able to spend time with you."

"Satisfy your curiosity, you mean."

"I can't believe you found me being puffy so funny."

I giggle again, unable to help it. "It is funny, and I am incredibly tired."

He looks at me and brushes my hair back from my face. "Sleep then love, I can take your watch."


"I'm not taking no as an answer."

Giving a mocking pout, I rest my head down on his chest as he smiles. "Fine, but I'm staying right here."

He wraps his arm back around me and rests his head on mine. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

His coat wrapped around both of us, and listening to his steady heart beat, I was quickly falling asleep.

I yawned. "Thorin?"


I smile. "You are still puffy."

He chuckles. "Whatever you say love."

And with that, content in his arms, sleep finally took me. Our journey was still a long way from over, but it was nice to still be able to have the comfortable things.

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