Elrond ~ Sight

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It hadn't been my choice to end up in Rivendell, something I would later reiterate again and again to others, many convinced that it had been intentional.


Well, that's what happens when you are gifted with foresight.

Banished from my own people for my part in the battle of the five armies (what can I say? I didn't agree with Thranduil and the stance he took) I spent more than a few years just wondering Middle Earth, exploring and getting to know her people.

It was only once I crossed paths with Gandalf again that he suggested I go to Rivendell.

"A chance to get back with your people." He called it and I told him I was happier without them.

"Surely you must be lonely on the road yourself?"

"We are immortal Gandalf, loneliness is part of our nature."

"But if I'm not mistaken, you are half."

"It is true. My mother fell in love with a man. We were both surprised when Thranduil let me stay as long as I did."

He continued to press until I angrily told him I would think about it, after all, I still had much to see.

"Go and rest for a while, the world can wait."

I didn't want to take the wizards advice, but the truth was, was that I was tired and it had been some time before I had been really around my kin.

The visions of homeliness and comfort weren't helping.

And so that was how my weary self found its way to Rivendell, exhausted and a little worse for wear. The elves were more than accommodating, happy to have someone new to talk to and share tales of adventures with, even if mine weren't overly exciting.

The one that I found myself repeating, although a fair few years ago now, was how I came to be banished.

"It is really not that exciting." I would say, but it didn't stop the eager expressions or the constant questions.

And so, I explained, again, that the dwarves had come to be captured by Thranduil, who had every intention of keeping them out. I, someone who tries to see myself as just, helped them escape.

Now it wasn't that that got me banished, that wasn't discovered until later, no, it was when I openly accused the King of being a daft idiot, in front of everyone, that he would allow his greed to rule his heart, he was no better than the dwarves hiding in the mountain.

That was when he banished me.

The truth behind it, of course, was that I actually thought he did have a right, the dwarves had no claim on those jewels, but to agree with Thranduil wouldn't have turned out well for me. We'd been clashing for a long time, many saying that I was being stupid for arguing, but I had no inclination of allowing the King such power over me.

So I made sure he banished me.

I was the only one that knew this and I was more than happy to keep it to myself. The others all found it a hilarious tale of someone of lower standing insulting a king, I just found it rather ordinary, it had been my way out.

Now, the only elf I had not met in Rivendell yet, was Lord Elrond, who was currently away for whatever reason. This was of little concern (or so I thought) to me, after all my run ins with 'authority' haven't really gone well.

But it was a big thing when he returned, I'd had plenty of conversations with his children, the twins were great fighters and adventurers (when they were allowed) and his daughter was very down to earth, a believer in hope and we had somehow become good friends.

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